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 #35326  by Delev
As a few of you know, there are a few people who come on the server who just want to be a pain to admins. Take that StabYouInDaButt guy.
As a lot of people who are active on the server right now know, before that incident with blacki and jato, Stab had been kickflipping people when they had saber up, then putting chat up and saying it was a 'Lame.' Godchat is when people put chat up after they start a fight outside a duel, and they take no damage. What makes this more complicated is:
A: It counteracts with the "Flipkicking someone with saber up means you're armed." Rule
B: It's unfair to people who just want to play the game and not have trouble with people cheating, then being called a lamer.
C: It puts admins through a whole bunch more crap than they should have to go through.
D: It makes people leave the server and make our server less popular (Lol, Popularity. It's true though.)
This is why I request there atleast be a rule or punishment about no godchat abuse, Seeing as all the annoying 'He lamed me!' 'No I didn't, You kickflipped me.' 'I'm going to ur forums to telll admins about him laming me!!!!!!!!' 'Rofl, what r u, 10?' '10 and a half!' 'Lol.' stuff. Things like that. Many people (Falcon, Ðyyor, etc.) Feel the same way about me on this matter. Thanks for listening.

 #35329  by ShadowMan
I agree with you on this matter.

 #35331  by Zabuza
if he continues to cause problems, then i say /amban

 #35339  by Falcon
well, if i remember right from that post in admin complaints, he's already been banned. but yeah, i agree

 #35344  by echo

What am I agreeing to?

 #35345  by saunby
Sounds like a good idea to me tbh :)

 #35358  by Phoenix
To be honest guys, as i've said before we can't be expected to make rules for every possible loophole in the laming rule. If that was the case we'd have a rulebook that you'd fall asleep reading through.

The thing that I always say is just use your common sense. Yes, the admin rules are there, and they are to be abided by. But more still being admins you have a reponsability to keep order on the server.

At the end of the day if someone flipkicks you when you have your saber up, and they don't have their saber up then you have every right to either saber or flipkick them back (if they stick their chatbox up and their just being a nuisance then as an admin you have a right to tell them not to provoke players) if they don't listen to you, then by all means feel free to sleep them as they aren't listening to the admins.

Yes, they might threaten to come on the forums and report you, but hey, how many of the people that actually make the threats actually bother to come on our forums and report you.. I'd say maybe 1 out of every 10 that make the threat.

At the end of the day guys, use your head. If you can see that someones purposely provoking players, then ask them to stop. If they don't listen then by all means use whatever force you believe nescessary (but just be careful you don't lose it and actually start admin abusing them).


 #35375  by Darko
Honestly back when i played i used judgment
For example. If i had saber up, and i got flip kicked by someone who had saber down. Id think, well, ok. If he did it again, i count it as a weapon up.
If he's causing damage to you i thought well, he's fighting me. SO id kill him.
If he doesn't like it, just remain calm. Explain to him why you think you should be able to hit back.

Theres always people who find the loopholes in rules and try to exploit them to see you get all pissed off. Dont let them. They can cry and moan all they want, and the second they swear or insult you, slap a silence on them. Your perfectly within your rights to do that.

Making new rules isnt the answer, learning to adapt to these kinds of situations is. Just use your common sense. If worst comes to worst they will post on the forum. Try to be the first to reply, remain calm, tell the story how it was. Give the time of the conflict/and/or screenshot it.

If you were right, were behind you.

 #36143  by Darfin
Guys, admins aren't there to blindly follow rules.
Make your own judgements.
Watch Star Trek.

 #36192  by Akimoto
Star Trek is the win!

Unless KR takes off JA+ in our server, there will NOT be done anything about this :P

 #36225  by Darko
Darfin wrote: Watch Star Trek.
that was actually a a brilliant way of saying that.

Nice one o.0

 #36252  by BadWolf
and the rule of why flip kicking is considered as melee specifically states that abuse of putting up chat wont b tolerated, i recently had to deal with such an abuser and i slapped him the first warning, but he kept arguing that he wasnt abusing when he clearly was (srysly, he put up chat and put it back down the very second i turned my back, without saying anything >.<) and then i slept him after he continued to abuse

so ye, like the others say, decide on ur own what to do :D

 #36257  by Delev
I can't believe people still post on this topic :o

 #36265  by Akimoto
Delev wrote:I can't believe people still post on this topic :o
If you don't like it, I would suggest you ask for this topic to be closed. :wink:

 #36285  by Cross

may someone please close this topic? ^.^