As a few of you know, there are a few people who come on the server who just want to be a pain to admins. Take that StabYouInDaButt guy.
As a lot of people who are active on the server right now know, before that incident with blacki and jato, Stab had been kickflipping people when they had saber up, then putting chat up and saying it was a 'Lame.' Godchat is when people put chat up after they start a fight outside a duel, and they take no damage. What makes this more complicated is:
A: It counteracts with the "Flipkicking someone with saber up means you're armed." Rule
B: It's unfair to people who just want to play the game and not have trouble with people cheating, then being called a lamer.
C: It puts admins through a whole bunch more crap than they should have to go through.
D: It makes people leave the server and make our server less popular (Lol, Popularity. It's true though.)
This is why I request there atleast be a rule or punishment about no godchat abuse, Seeing as all the annoying 'He lamed me!' 'No I didn't, You kickflipped me.' 'I'm going to ur forums to telll admins about him laming me!!!!!!!!' 'Rofl, what r u, 10?' '10 and a half!' 'Lol.' stuff. Things like that. Many people (Falcon, Ðyyor, etc.) Feel the same way about me on this matter. Thanks for listening.
As a lot of people who are active on the server right now know, before that incident with blacki and jato, Stab had been kickflipping people when they had saber up, then putting chat up and saying it was a 'Lame.' Godchat is when people put chat up after they start a fight outside a duel, and they take no damage. What makes this more complicated is:
A: It counteracts with the "Flipkicking someone with saber up means you're armed." Rule
B: It's unfair to people who just want to play the game and not have trouble with people cheating, then being called a lamer.
C: It puts admins through a whole bunch more crap than they should have to go through.
D: It makes people leave the server and make our server less popular (Lol, Popularity. It's true though.)
This is why I request there atleast be a rule or punishment about no godchat abuse, Seeing as all the annoying 'He lamed me!' 'No I didn't, You kickflipped me.' 'I'm going to ur forums to telll admins about him laming me!!!!!!!!' 'Rofl, what r u, 10?' '10 and a half!' 'Lol.' stuff. Things like that. Many people (Falcon, Ðyyor, etc.) Feel the same way about me on this matter. Thanks for listening.