Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #29088  by BadWolf
a phone...

 #29089  by DarkCloud
I dunno what all the fuss about having a cool looking, technologically advanced cellphone is... I'll stick to my old big blocky one from the stone age.. it makes phone calls and thats what matters to me!

Mine looks like this except its white!

 #29093  by FlapJack23
That looks great!

Best part of the article:
Hell, it even looks better than a lovechild that resulted due to an illicit relationship between an iPhone and a Vertu, which subsequently underwent plastic surgery to work out any gold-clad imperfections.
 #29096  by RaVeN
Darky wrote:
RaVeN wrote:Not many things anymore make me do that. ... damr-3.jpg

^^ googoogahgah?
eww that's gross

This is more my type:
yumyumyumyumyummy 8)

He lives in NYC, so I got a shot

 #29098  by Chantelle
it looks great

for some reason Id wager it annoying to use like you touch something and it goes flyiong off to a new menu. My mate had a touch screen samsung that did that.. ! so annoying your write a txt message and then your thumb woudl clip teh C and all gone!!

 #29122  by Darko
Hey, i tried :(