Who's at what rank?
 #21422  by Sidious
Since i am now back in the clan as a student im going to need a master who can instruct me in the ways of single. So if you are interested just give me a hollar either here or on the server :) .

P.S. Pick me over Kaz im better lol.

 #21431  by Kakashi.Archive
Lol Sid your SOL... you better hope Kenshin takes you cause atm i dont think there is really anyone else left for single sabers active =S... Id take you but im not a single user.

 #21436  by Sidious
aww that does kinda sucks lol, umm i dont mean to question your authority at all but is there a specific reason why it has to be a master and above and not a knight?

 #21522  by Hime
I guess I can...since I am master and up....or you can ask Kenshin

 #21535  by Kenshin
nah hime u can do it..

 #21570  by Sidious
Well i guess i can train under my old master again if that is alright with the council and with Hime.