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 #18893  by Pulse
Hey! pulsy is back!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :D :D :D :D

Hey guys, most of you wont even know me and that would be because your new or just couldnt care less :P but last year was when i left KR and i said i wanted to move on to other games but right now miss JA and im back into it :D

For those of you who really dont remember me. I was darkness' padawan and i was rank jedi if i can remeber :?

But i was just wondering guys, Is my spot in KR still there? is it avalable? :) :)

If its a no then i wont bother joining any clan cos this is clan is the 1 and only :)

 #18894  by Darko
Never knew you.


hi ^_^

 #18895  by Starcomand
yea m8 i rem u seen u on server ealier how u been

 #18896  by Pulse
errrr great ! thanks for asking ive been making a lot of sigs too erm the one i have on now isnt that great. Here are some good ones i have made








Theres quite a bit there :P tell me what u think oh and i really want to know the answer to this question because i really want back in ! :D
But i was just wondering guys, Is my spot in KR still there? is it avalable?

 #18898  by Wanderer
woot, pulse is back.

this is awesome, every1s coming back!

nice siggys buddy =]

wb man

 #18910  by Phoenix
Hey welcome back. Your Master Greame if I remember correctly, if i'm wrong let me know.

If you would like to rejoin KR, then you will need to be active on the server and you will need to post an application in the "Invites Corner" of the forum. If you do decide to do this, your application will then be up for council vote.

Also please make note of the following topic: ... php?t=1530

Thanks for reading, and welcome back.


 #18913  by Pulse
Done and dusted :D

 #18924  by Kakashi.Archive
He pulse, i remember you ^_^


 #18944  by Sidious
hey pulse, im pretty sure i remember you. i have a new name on the server its norius avonos so if you see that name its meh.

 #18947  by Hime
who the hell r u?

 #18953  by Exiamu
haha nice welcomining hime haha anyway wb pulse .... never knew you =/

 #18977  by Pulse
Hime wrote:who the hell r u?
i dont expect you to remember me because i live in uk and i think ur in usa arnt u? something like that but anyways time diference is big so you really wontt remember me.

 #18982  by Hailstorm
welcome back :)

 #19027  by Hime
I live in Canada...not the US

 #19042  by saunby
Welcome back :)

i remember you :D

i think i still have your msn though we never talk =/

ill try and remember next time i see you on ;)

 #19188  by Kane
I remember you... welcome back. Im sure you remember me miaow ;)