Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #17445  by Akimoto
Me, Akimoto aka Naru aka Naraku would like to Invite -1 to play in Mars server in Cabal Online.


It seem the game was a P2P MMO some months ago; Now it is a F2P MMO.

-Take a look at the screenshots!
-Register an account!
-Play on Mars server!

Notice that this is for EU only. US got other servers and will not work with European Players.

Akimoto's Cabal Online Statistics:

Name: Akimotokun
Class: Wizard
Time played: 32 hours
Buddies: Kennetorb (K-1)
Most used channel: 14


F2P -> Free2Play
P2P -> Pay2Play
MMO -> Massive Multiplayer Online
Channel [Cabal Online terms] -> Sub-servers.

 #17446  by Wanderer
sounds cool. god it sucks that US and EU are always separated on MMO servers.

EDIT:that game looks amazing

 #17474  by Soulreaper
hey man when my wow is done this month ill cancel and play that, kinda sick of playin WoW

 #17484  by Darko
If there wasd a fight with WoW and free mmo´s

Free mmo´s has a massive sword of death

WoW had a straw

WoW would own them.

Their all the same, boring stuff, slightly different graphics and a slightly different gameplay system and console.

Their free for a reason, they suck.

Looks like Knights online. Well, of course it does.

 #17621  by Akimoto
Soulreaper wrote:hey man when my wow is done this month ill cancel and play that, kinda sick of playin WoW
WoW is a terrible boring game! Only seriusly ill people would actually play WoW for more than 1-4 months...! :twisted:

Where are you from (US or EU) ?

 #17633  by Darko
EU lol, iv played for 2 years *crys*

 #17645  by Soulreaper
im US does it matters in this game

 #19231  by Akimoto
Yes - You can't play in EU if you are in US ~

 #19233  by Seive
Shenanigans! Too bad I live in Texas. :/