Hello, I tried joining the KR server the other day and was autokicked/banned. I have a dynamic ip with firewall in place. I had a friend of mine in KR, Jack Skywalker, who told me about the vpn business so I tried removing it and taking the firewall off only to be autobanned again. After he spoke with a higher admin to have my ban removed, it then happened again after the unban. This was all the same day maybe I tried joining to many times, not really sure but if I could get another unban I'd appreciate it. Also if I am joining to frequently in a row let me know. I'd like it not to happen again. Thanks!
By your post it seems you feel the ban was due to your connection somehow - allow me to enlighten you, your ban has been put in place due to your activities.
You were first banned in 2014 (KR leaders can see this post) and allow me to share with you the comments about you then: "Swearing, trolling, avoiding procedures, troll, lie, repeat."
Since then you have been banned on and off during all these years. We allow some tolerance, wishfully hoping time can mellow. Even if you were 12 then (obviously this is a guess based on your intellectual & emotional behaviour) that would make you 19 now, and yet, no improvement. I believe the term in your country is "arrested development".
For others to better recognise you, a list of your more frequent used names is below - and here is the most recent complaint about you: http://knights-reborn.org/forum/viewtop ... 24#p169924
To appreciate we haven't got the wrong person, here are the server logs behind that post: -
ClientConnect: 15
broadcast: print "Padawan PLCONNECT"
Padawan connected under IP -> redacted - but same IP with which your forum account was created
broadcast: print "Padawan PLRENAME The Devil"
Kill: 15 13 38: The Devil killed puke by MOD_FALLING
[-[KR]-Uscari to The Devil]: * No Laming. Laming is attacking those with chat up/saber down. *
So whilst I can't comment on whatever mental affliction you're suffering with, I can say it's not our problem. Your ban will not be lifted again.
The Devil
=[GE]=Moff HaVoK
[SO]Lord Sorath
oLd sPiCe
The great bunghole
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler