Recently, I've been playing a game called Escape from Tarkov. It's a hardcore military simulation FPS. Lots of learning curve, and I'm not very good

. Pretty much, you gear up with loot you've found or bought; go into a raid and try to kill and loot other players, as well as AI scavengers and bosses; and try to make your way to an extract without dying. There are also tactics to try and play "safely" while looting, if you're trying to avoid combat altogether. The looting is very similar to Diablo 2, as far as having to Tetris things around to fit your stash. There's a trade menu where you deal with traders and accept quests from them to improve reputation and gain access to better gear. Midgame opens up a flea market, where players can buy, sell, and trade quest items or gear.
Also speaking of Diablo 2, the remake/remaster comes out a month from now!
Lately, I become burnt out of games much more quickly than in the past, and am also looking for new titles, so thank you for posting this. Hope you find something!