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 #168576  by Falcon
It is with a heavy heart that I inform the Knights Reborn clan that Kirito has passed away. Kirito was fun, caring, and always very respectful and kind. He was loved by many here in KR and will be missed greatly.

The Knights Reborn clan extends our deepest sympathies to Kirito's family.
 #168578  by Cloud
Wish the news wasn't true, i'll always consider him my favorite padawan.i will certainly really miss him.
 #168581  by Sakito
Very sad news. I'll miss you Kirito. Condolences to his family.
 #168586  by JediF
This is hard news to wake up too, he was so nice and such a great guy to play with. Condolences to his family. <{3
 #168587  by Elsecaller
I wish I could have talked to him more. May he rest in peace. :(
 #168588  by Sam
Rest in Peace
Last edited by Sam on Sun Nov 29, 2020 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
 #168589  by cf.Steak
I appreciate you letting us know.
Kirito was an incredible friend. I'll certainly always remember our late nights goofing around and chatting.

If anyone needs to talk, I'm always around.
 #168593  by Mnsomc
Absolutely heartbreaking. Kirito and I were admitted to KR around the same time, and as someone who was already a member by the time I applied, Kiri was nothing but supportive when I was going through the application process. He was one of the most kind and friendly members around, and his positive energy has always brightened everyone around him. I already miss him. May he rest in peace.
 #168594  by MasterM
I'm not really sure what to say. Kirito will definitely be missed by all, and condolences to his family
 #168602  by Typhlosion
Rest in Peace Kirito. You were a good friend. How did he die?
 #168604  by Primordial
My condolences to Kirito's family. I always loved talking to him as a friend, goofing around dueling and stuff, and as a KR family member. He will not be forgotten.
 #168608  by Loki
Rest In Peace.
 #168609  by Nintendo
It's hard finding the words to express the sadness felt by this news. So I'll just put what I remember about him.

When I first met him during my return. I felt he represented all the things I liked about KR. Kind, honest, trustworthy, and willing to have fun. He reminded my how much this family still means to people and to myself.

My deepest condolences to his family. He will be absolutely missed and remembered by the many he's touched overtime.
 #168614  by Clank
Rest in peace
 #168620  by Wolferion
Am not sure how to put it all into words, but... I'll use the Latin intended. Requiescat in Pace.
 #168621  by Mike
I don’t even know what to say... Such a kind and honest person. He will be missed. I won’t forget my friend Kirito, may he rest In peace.
 #169580  by Rogue

I will never forget Kirito few years ago, we would duel, chatting, laughing and have a good time togethers. He's very friendly, caring, and fun guys to be around.

Condolences to Kirito Family. :(
 #169588  by deathscyth
oh... this is hard to read kirito was always a fun-loving person it hurts knowing he has passed away and will be missed dearly my condolences to his family does anyone know the cause if i may ask