Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #168254  by jawfin
You used a proxy which got banned, then you used your real IP. By the time you did that the server had tracked it down and flagged it (yea, you don't really believe proxies actually hide your IP I hope) - after which you attempted several other proxies. So you were just playing tag with the firewall! I saw this on the logs, worked out what happened, and lifted the ban on your actual IP. I did that about 12 hours, so sorry for the delay but you won't be banned now. (Also sorry I just noticed this forum post!)

Nothing wrong you did, just towel-flicking the firewall defenses!
 #168257  by Bishop.
I'm absolutely positive that the first time I connected (which got me the ban), I used no proxy whatsoever. After the ban I indeed tried to connect in various ways but mainly to see if I could bypass the great firewall of chi... KR I mean :>
 #168261  by jawfin
This firewall stops faceless corporations from entering a private residence, that one prevents normal people from seeing the rest of the world.

Here is the ban entry of your first connect: -

edited out

Which fired 90 seconds before your real connection. Not knowing what IP you're using when facing the world is the digital equivalent of going shopping and not even knowing what clothes you put on [and I do wonder if some people actually do dress themselves!].

But please understand we don't have anything against proxies, nor target them specifically. So each proxy that gets banned is because some monkey before you use it to troll on server, got banned, and had it added to the firewall reactively. Besides, anyone using a proxy to play a FPS game aren't really there to play the game, the latency makes actual play impractical.
 #168270  by jawfin
Oh oops - very sorry about that..! It hit a bad score on the spam detectors. I think you inherited a poisoned IP as that was the first time it was used on KR, thus it flagged. (Poisoned as in the previous owner [stupidly] used their own connection [being that IP] to do illegal stuff.) I'll keep a better eye out for that - sorry again.