Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #16299  by Darko
Hey guys. Just a Thread about Flyff. If anyone is interested 8)

Flyff is a mmorpg. It is free to download, and is also free to play.

It is very similar to Ragnarok. Just better graphics and more 3D.
Graphics in Flyff are more anime based. And not built to look real;)

Website can be found here:

The Lore can be found here:

In Flyff there are a number of different classes. Like most normal mmo's.
The classes are here:

Currently the KR that play Flyff are:
Nine tailed fox

And RONIN!! Yes he does.. dont forget that

Me and Star are willing to help anyone wanting to pick up the game.
Through buffing and general help.

NOTE: Flyff does not work on Windows Vista at the moment.
Last edited by Darko on Sun Nov 04, 2007 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #16312  by RoNin
ronin plays flyff but noo lets not add him >> lol

 #16313  by Kioshi
i just got the game yesterday and play it. its actually really fun.

in game name = niden
Last edited by Kioshi on Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #16314  by Starcomand
also join the alibat server thats the one we use

 #16315  by Kenshin
My ingame name is

DevilsDarkMage ( all add me who play flyff)
currently im a lvl 21 magician

 #16352  by Starcomand
i have few names on it

all alibat server

PoeticJustice (lvl 80 ringmaster)
LifeGiver (lvl 64 billposter)
starcomand (lvl 64 blade)
extrememachine (lvl 78 bow jester)

 #16355  by Soulreaper
i played flyff thought it was gay

 #16356  by Nintendo
In game name: Roxflight (Assist)

Havent played in forever though. So like Ron dont add me to the list. rofl

 #16371  by Darko
Charecters are:

Excellence: 53 FS (Assist)
Sabana: 21 Acrobat


 #16376  by Tidus
i agree with obi o.o

 #16381  by Sniper
Im going to try it out. Ill post name later if i like it. Please PM me for some specific details. Also ewhich download do i download O.o :?

 #16386  by ShinZagato
I got suckered into playing it...and i'm part of KR on there now.

And oh yeah, flyff DOES work on vista now, zye played it last night.

And there are certain things that are just plain gay in that the male cat suit....

 #16393  by Starcomand
have to let you see my sets some time u may like them and no its not the cat suit lol

 #16394  by Sniper
I kinda like it but whats the purpose and as the other guy said... whats the deal with male cat suit. i just dont get the main point of the game.

 #16397  by Starcomand
the suits like that are called cash sets they just for looks as some of the armors look silly lol and them cash sets cover the armors and u can also stop ones from seeing what type of armor u have and if u have set on noone can tell what ur useing

 #18293  by dent
hey, i just started flyff yesterday, and so far its a pretty fun game, my name is "Ents" if u want to add me

 #18294  by Kenshin
ent add me...

DevilsDarkMage -lvl 54
DevilsDarkBlade -lvl 24

 #18304  by Starcomand
keep eye out for names PoeticJustice lvl 80 ringmaster , LifeGiver lvl 66 billposter, starcomand lvl 62 bllade or extreamemachine lvl 78 bow jester

 #18307  by Melissa
Is this game any good... Gonna be trying out EVE I think... that looks massive

 #18309  by Kenshin
uh how to explain.. flyff is like a.. WoW but less adicting its free and personally i think its better

 #18310  by Darko
Mel ask Sparky about EVE!

Hes been playing a while :D

And look out for:

Excellence - lvl 55 full support

 #18717  by Seive
I'll download it and pop in tomorrow. Looks like fun, and it'll give me a chance to get to know some of you a little better. :)

 #18718  by Kioshi
new char xXKioshiXx currently 15 FS

deleted niden lol

 #18791  by Starcomand
join the alibat server sol then we can help you