Everyone knows my history, how I occasionally go off the charts.
Tonight was not one of those times.
I believe the filter exists for a reason, no? Words that are not filtered, not that they're all acceptable in specific contexts, are within use on the server.
(due to my long-term memory loss of how to link images in post i will supply imgur posts, i apologize)
And so here I present subject A: https://imgur.com/a/nmGsmAi
Just good banter between two people familiar with each other. Nobody is complaining, call pasta to the stand if you wish to dispute. Moving on very shortly there-after.
Subject B:
Nobody nor myself understands why I've been told to watch my language. The word is not filtered, and I am clearly not flaming. I am friends with the recipient of my message, as can be attested to and seen by the lack of an aggressive response.
Subject C, D, & E:
After this point I was silenced. As far as the admin who silenced me informed me, indefinitely. Luckily, a rational admin (Loki) was online and unsilenced me a few minutes after.
If I broke some kind of a rule I would love to be informed. As far as I am aware I was participating in playful banter with a willing subject, and nobody had any call of harassment or offense. The only person who was upset was the admin, who took it upon himself to silence me for an un-listed word.
If my links have issues, which I am nearly positive they will, pm me and I will send all images personally.
Realize in loue of my potentially absent images I should mention this post is referencing the admin abuse of the user Glenhal
(Double edit: This is only a wrongful silence as far as I am concerned. As much of a pain as it is to a player, I do not expect much here, and that isn't a kick at the discipline system; only an equivocal observation)
Since he has still abused his post I call reverse and pasta Masta despite my lack of being able to due being abusingfully silenced
Tonight was not one of those times.
I believe the filter exists for a reason, no? Words that are not filtered, not that they're all acceptable in specific contexts, are within use on the server.
(due to my long-term memory loss of how to link images in post i will supply imgur posts, i apologize)
And so here I present subject A: https://imgur.com/a/nmGsmAi
Just good banter between two people familiar with each other. Nobody is complaining, call pasta to the stand if you wish to dispute. Moving on very shortly there-after.
Subject B:
Nobody nor myself understands why I've been told to watch my language. The word is not filtered, and I am clearly not flaming. I am friends with the recipient of my message, as can be attested to and seen by the lack of an aggressive response.
Subject C, D, & E:
After this point I was silenced. As far as the admin who silenced me informed me, indefinitely. Luckily, a rational admin (Loki) was online and unsilenced me a few minutes after.
If I broke some kind of a rule I would love to be informed. As far as I am aware I was participating in playful banter with a willing subject, and nobody had any call of harassment or offense. The only person who was upset was the admin, who took it upon himself to silence me for an un-listed word.
If my links have issues, which I am nearly positive they will, pm me and I will send all images personally.
Realize in loue of my potentially absent images I should mention this post is referencing the admin abuse of the user Glenhal
(Double edit: This is only a wrongful silence as far as I am concerned. As much of a pain as it is to a player, I do not expect much here, and that isn't a kick at the discipline system; only an equivocal observation)
Since he has still abused his post I call reverse and pasta Masta despite my lack of being able to due being abusingfully silenced
Last edited by echo on Sun May 26, 2019 2:56 am, edited 2 times in total.