Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #161164  by Sifodias
Hey fellas

I got banned. I'm pretty sure it's because of the IP range I'm using, as usual
Can you lift that ban ?

Thanks :)
 #161165  by jawfin
Yup done.
If you look at your current IP on
you'll see it's been blacklisted by some amateur naughty person who has poisoned the well for whomever gets it next. What a nub!
 #161187  by jawfin
Sounds suspiciously like a clientkick! See what /recon does.

Also, if you are in Japan as your profile says, then you'd be using a proxy, which makes firewalls nervous!
 #161189  by jawfin
JKA is a modded Quake 3 engine, so maybe a search of "Awaiting gamestate" may give a clue. A lot of games are Q3 derivatives and considering this issue is at the engine level their solutions should work.
 #161197  by Sifodias
Well, I can't find anything about it
By the way, this happens only on KR's server so I bet it can't be engine's fault
I can't connect I don't know what to do T_T
 #161200  by jawfin
See how that works for you.
 #161204  by Sifodias
I tried a vpn, and I'm getting some interesting results.
Depending on the country, sometimes it's still stuck on gamestate, and sometimes I get this :


I don't know what the hell is goin on~

ps: I already tried with a clean installation
 #161215  by jawfin
VPNs have a habit of getting eaten by the firewall. There may be a redundant anti-DOS firewall rule which dropping some of your packets - I'll fiddle them a bit and see if that is the cause. Actually, I'll just cheat for now, and poke a hole through the firewall for your current IP. If you can get on at least we'll know that was it!

Edit: as your last few forum posts were via a proxy I can't say for sure what your current IP is, so I guessed from the last real one.
 #161563  by jawfin
Fixed. Seems there's not a few criminals in your neighbourhood - you keep inheriting IPs which have been blacklisted.