If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #157546  by Frog
Hey guys. Kind of abrupt, I know, but see here's the thing.

So, without sharing too much info, my sister had a falling out of our family. She blames my mother for lack of education, but in reality the internet took much of her time. She'd be asleep during the day, skipping out on entire meals and her work. The reason I mention this is because I'm sort of in the same spot here. My parents trust me to do my work and my school without them constantly looking over my shoulder. But this simply isn't happening and I haven't gotten a lick of work done because I've been too occupied with the internet in general.

That and I fear the stuff I've been around has influenced me too much. I've learned about things I really should not know at this age, and interacted with people and completely accepted the things they've done and said without saying anything. I've not only accepted it but repeated it. Regardless of what you think of that, I am very ashamed of myself.

My dad's PC is still available to a degree, and I'll still be able to get on every now and then. But in the face of my future and school, the internet should not have taken up this much time.

So this isn't because I dislike KR all of a sudden. It's just a very desperate need for me. It's also because I'm unsure of the frequency that I'll be able to get on that I decided to leave and not post in absence.

One final detail about my sister. See, just minutes before this I had requested a name change to Key, so it's not like this decision took long. She had been biting my mom viciously, and I decided I do not want to cause my mom to cry the way she has for years now.

I'll be disconnecting my wireless tomorrow as I still have projects to send out to some of my 'clients' ( If I feel so important enough to call them that )
So see you guys later, and please get Phenoix on the line about updating this old website. Cheers!
 #157548  by Mike
I'm sorry to hear that Frog, you will be missed :(

I think you've made a wise decision however, and in the future when you decide to return we'll be here awaiting with open arms to bring you into our tender embrace <3
 #157551  by toon
I'm very surprised but i have been in a similar situation as you are in atm.
Not getting anything done and spending too much time on the internet, I let that happen to me as well but you will see that there is a middleway to balance your RL duties and internet time. It might take some time but I'm sure you will find it. Message me if you need an open ear.
Wish you all the best and hope that your family can sort things out soon.

Come back anytime.
 #157556  by Uscari
Frog I really have to advise heavily against this decision.

You've posted in leaves several times for similar reasons, only to return days later. The Abence topic in KR does not have a time limit, you can stay absent for as long as you need, you may return as inactive but essentially a member.

You said just minutes ago you requested a name change? This is obviously an impetuous and rash decision. You don't have to go to extremes all the time. If you really want to make a greater commitment for your family, you will set realistic goals for yourself and learn to discipline your activities through moderation, not just quit cold turkey minutes after you came up with the idea, because we all know you won't follow through that way.

My advice? Move this to Absence, take a week away from KR, and think on this. Is this really what you want to do?

Normally I would respect your decision and move on, but as your friend I can't automatically approve this. Your choices are your own, I'm just asking you to consider them carefully.
 #157560  by Jammer
Wishing you the best frog, and hopefully you can come back and visit now and then when life has calmed down some. :(
 #157562  by jawfin
Dear Frog, we understand your position as you have explained it in the past. And never would we want to in any way negatively impact anything in your real life. Get yourself educated young man, and keep clean :) Know you have our love with you and lead a happy balanced life. I'm sure we'll meet around the traps - when your priorities are sorted to the degree to keep yourself happy and your parents satisfied. Don't hesitate to hit up any KR with anything we could help with. Hope all goes well and may I add I am very happy that I invited you to the clan - you are special to me for that :)
Cheers buddy!
 #157565  by Falcon
Sad to hear this Frog, but I understand your reasoning. It's always been said that real life > KR life, and I fully stand behind that. If you ever want to come back, we'll be here. Take care of yourself :)
 #157568  by MasterM
Sorry to hear this frog, and I hope things turn out for the better for you. Take care, and we'll see you later
 #157574  by Charm
I hope everything works out for the best Frog. You were a close friend to me when I first joined and will be sorely missed mate. Chin up and keep at it. All the best and I love you!
 #157582  by EvilTree
I'm sad to see you go but I wish you the best of luck in the future Frog, I hope you swing around to say hello if you have the time!

P.S. Ur Cewl!
 #157583  by Sifodias
Well, I know how hard life can be, and how much space jka can take. It's up to you to find the right balance, but if you think that you can't manage it, then the best way is to disconnect for a while

I wish you all the best
 #157586  by Squidlord
Cya buddy its been a good journey pretty much joining the ckan at the same time and ranking up alongside you :) good luck with everything mate and take care of yourself! :)
 #157591  by Ted
Sad to hear this Frog, but I understand. Real life always comes first so take whatever time you need to get yourself grounded and hopefully we'll see you around another time :) Good bye buddy!
 #157598  by Frog
Thanks everyone for your kind words

I just thought I'd mention, my Dad does use steam regularly when he's not working. I.e, that's not me. Chat with him at your own peril!
 #157676  by Lurch
Hate seeing ya go Frogster but as they say....do what you have to do. You'll always be a great friend to me. Thx for everything and take great care. Visit us when you can PLEASE? :)