Hey guys. Kind of abrupt, I know, but see here's the thing.
So, without sharing too much info, my sister had a falling out of our family. She blames my mother for lack of education, but in reality the internet took much of her time. She'd be asleep during the day, skipping out on entire meals and her work. The reason I mention this is because I'm sort of in the same spot here. My parents trust me to do my work and my school without them constantly looking over my shoulder. But this simply isn't happening and I haven't gotten a lick of work done because I've been too occupied with the internet in general.
That and I fear the stuff I've been around has influenced me too much. I've learned about things I really should not know at this age, and interacted with people and completely accepted the things they've done and said without saying anything. I've not only accepted it but repeated it. Regardless of what you think of that, I am very ashamed of myself.
My dad's PC is still available to a degree, and I'll still be able to get on every now and then. But in the face of my future and school, the internet should not have taken up this much time.
So this isn't because I dislike KR all of a sudden. It's just a very desperate need for me. It's also because I'm unsure of the frequency that I'll be able to get on that I decided to leave and not post in absence.
One final detail about my sister. See, just minutes before this I had requested a name change to Key, so it's not like this decision took long. She had been biting my mom viciously, and I decided I do not want to cause my mom to cry the way she has for years now.
I'll be disconnecting my wireless tomorrow as I still have projects to send out to some of my 'clients' ( If I feel so important enough to call them that )
So see you guys later, and please get Phenoix on the line about updating this old website. Cheers!
So, without sharing too much info, my sister had a falling out of our family. She blames my mother for lack of education, but in reality the internet took much of her time. She'd be asleep during the day, skipping out on entire meals and her work. The reason I mention this is because I'm sort of in the same spot here. My parents trust me to do my work and my school without them constantly looking over my shoulder. But this simply isn't happening and I haven't gotten a lick of work done because I've been too occupied with the internet in general.
That and I fear the stuff I've been around has influenced me too much. I've learned about things I really should not know at this age, and interacted with people and completely accepted the things they've done and said without saying anything. I've not only accepted it but repeated it. Regardless of what you think of that, I am very ashamed of myself.
My dad's PC is still available to a degree, and I'll still be able to get on every now and then. But in the face of my future and school, the internet should not have taken up this much time.
So this isn't because I dislike KR all of a sudden. It's just a very desperate need for me. It's also because I'm unsure of the frequency that I'll be able to get on that I decided to leave and not post in absence.
One final detail about my sister. See, just minutes before this I had requested a name change to Key, so it's not like this decision took long. She had been biting my mom viciously, and I decided I do not want to cause my mom to cry the way she has for years now.
I'll be disconnecting my wireless tomorrow as I still have projects to send out to some of my 'clients' ( If I feel so important enough to call them that )
So see you guys later, and please get Phenoix on the line about updating this old website. Cheers!