Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #154714  by NotPadawan
Hello not sure if you remember me its NOTpadawan
. I was looking for a Ban so that i could cut down on my computer time? about i dunno a month ago? well I feel i have succeeded in cuting down on computer time but now im getting bored and wanting to play games again. I would like to play on KR... im not looking to make any drama or insult people or lame ..I sometimes i like trolling but only for tomfoolery never to hurt someones feelings or anything like that. an Elaborate ruse maybe like the time Bill trollloled me into thinking he was not bill and then i started training him to become bill while he was playing along like he was not bill was he was infact Bill the whole time. that was very funny lol ..I believe jawfin was there , im not sure if he remembers it though but it was a good time. One of the main reasons i want to play on KR again is so that I can play with Bill and receive training in staff and also so that i May receive more training in Red single saber from notakiller
 #154725  by jawfin
Well Notty, I always got on well with you. Just bear in mind I won't have anyone waste the time of my admins, not when they've come to play. As you won't be doing that any more then welcome back!
 #154729  by NotPadawan
Im sorry to have wasted the admins time before .I was having a real problem not playing the game at the time and being banned fixed that problem . Im going to make sure i only play on the weekend so it doesnt cut into my time too much and maybe just uninstall if it get out of hand