Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #152066  by GhostofJK3Past
Been banned for almost 2 years now. I'm ready to start fresh and I hope that you guys will give me another chance.
 #152067  by Uscari
Wow, I think I remember you! Haha you did cause trouble but you were pretty funny. Btw this is Philosopher from before, not like you would remember.

P.S. No need to remind me of "The Post" @moderators, just sneaking in a quick inappropriate comment, as I'm sure this was resolved the moment he posted. :p
 #152071  by jawfin
@Ghost, for your recall it's been about 3 years
(Notes of ... 83#p114283 for leaders)

At times we clear the ban-list to see if anyone banned has managed to grow up since.
In your case this was about a year ago - and we could say you made an impression: - ... hp?t=11732

If that was the growth you managed after 2 years away, what expectation can we have from your after this year? (Honest question, not trying to be sarcastic.)
 #152074  by GhostofJK3Past
@Jawfin Well to be honest. Back then I just didn't care that much about your server rules since I thought I would quit this game again without missing it... but now that I'm semi-active again I have nowhere else to play on.. well maybe JAWA but their server isn't as active at times.

If I can get my ban lifted I promise to behave. I honestly just want to have fun again.

@Philosopher Yeah, your name's familiar. Glad to see that you still play.
 #152075  by jawfin
Is no worries mate - just didn't want you back until you understood the reasons for why you got banned - that would just be mean. If it helps, the grapple+rdfa script was a factor, bear that in mind :P

ban lifted, just bear with a few until I reset a few firewall rules.