Now i realize that you may not agree with what i say on the server but the point is im not breaking the rules. when you tell me to stop i stop, i dont lame i admit i have cussed but i did not cuss once the day i was banned. I got silenced for calling a guy mumble because i really think it is him (almost positive), and i received one warning about calling him mumble from silver and then i was silenced, when i didnt even say anything. after that i reconned and realized that i might want to cool it down cause it was obvious they were upset so i did, i didnt call delev mumble one time and i didnt do anything, the last thing i was doing was trying to get on top of woodchips head cause he had grappled onto the air and then i was kick/banned with absolutely no warning. Not even a "hey sid maybe you should just leave b4 we ban you for no reason". I can understand if they would have banned me while me and the delev/mumble guy were arguing but only after atleast a 2 wanrings, not just a random boot during the middle of the game because they were tired of looking at me. No hopefully this is just a misunderstanding and maybe the admin who banned me (i dont even know who is was cause i was never warned) did it on mistake but i just want to get back on and have a good time. So if whoever is in charge of this department i would greatly appreciate a reply, thank you.