Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #14176  by Sidious
Now i realize that you may not agree with what i say on the server but the point is im not breaking the rules. when you tell me to stop i stop, i dont lame i admit i have cussed but i did not cuss once the day i was banned. I got silenced for calling a guy mumble because i really think it is him (almost positive), and i received one warning about calling him mumble from silver and then i was silenced, when i didnt even say anything. after that i reconned and realized that i might want to cool it down cause it was obvious they were upset so i did, i didnt call delev mumble one time and i didnt do anything, the last thing i was doing was trying to get on top of woodchips head cause he had grappled onto the air and then i was kick/banned with absolutely no warning. Not even a "hey sid maybe you should just leave b4 we ban you for no reason". I can understand if they would have banned me while me and the delev/mumble guy were arguing but only after atleast a 2 wanrings, not just a random boot during the middle of the game because they were tired of looking at me. No hopefully this is just a misunderstanding and maybe the admin who banned me (i dont even know who is was cause i was never warned) did it on mistake but i just want to get back on and have a good time. So if whoever is in charge of this department i would greatly appreciate a reply, thank you.

 #14177  by Kenshin
no offence.. but every time u called him mumble.. it was like the subsitute word for retard.. you were all ganging up in delev.. in a way it can be called bullying and its not tolerated here.. and im with mels actions 100%

 #14178  by Tricky
Would you have banned HIME if she did it? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I think that as one of her students, one of my peers, and a former KR member, he would at least be given more of a "slap on the wrist" punishment.

 #14179  by SilverCloud
Mm, Sid is right, I did silence him. This was after I said, "Next person to insult will be silenced." First person was Delev, then Magma and Sid. See? No body listens to me.

Back on track, it was determined that Sid and Magma were going to be banned, the fact that I silenced them for calling Delev "Mumble" is just a footnote. Magma was not banned because he was reasonable, patient, and only reconnected right before I was about to unsilence him anyways. He apologized to me as well as Delev (after I prodded him, I admit) and I was able to convince the others not to ban him.

Sid is also right that it took me a bit to silence him. I saw them saying "Mumble" so first I asked who they were talking about and then made sure it was only them saying it. That took about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

The reason why I could vouch for Magma and not Sid was that Sid dragged it on and on about why was he silenced and how he wasn't warned (which is why you should always listen to the admins, because I did give a general warning), etc.

Anyways, I'm not trying to turn this into a flame-fest, just saying my part it in. Everyone was tired of hearing Delev and the others go at eachother so I stepped up to the plate. If you want to bash me for that, then go ahead.

Lastly, I had nothing to do with the banning, just in preventing Magma from being banned. End of my side of the story.

Any questions, feel free to PM me.

I also have logs for this and the past two evenings.

(Head Medical Officer, Captain of the Hikari)

 #14184  by Grimm
im more in trickys boat, i think he has the right idea, but coming from my unbiased opionion, for i obviously saw none of this, it doesnt osund like its anything to ban anyone over. banning is pretty big, thats more than enuff of a punishment for anyone in this squabble i think.....i dont know how annoyed anyone was, so i could be wrong. just voicing my opinion.

 #14186  by RaVeN
Just to inform Outsiders (and i dont mean any disrespect by that if some was or will be taken)

But there is and has been a topic in Members regarding this and past instances with all the forenamed players - so this isn’t a first instance kinda thing.

This is purely FYI, please do not ask a member for more information

All of this is still being investigated

 #14191  by Sidious
well i would like to add that i was not trying to complain about the silencing i was just curious as to why i was silenced. I went afk to get something to eat and when i came back iwas silenced. Im not sure what happend while i was gone but i know when i went afk there had not been any problem with the name mumble, it was just what we were calling this guy simply because we really thought it was him. Now what i really think should be brought up is that we were just arguing and i wasnt even arguing with an admin let alone a kr member it was just some guy who kept bothering me and mag. I never once cursed or lamed so im not sure how anything that happend then is possibly justification for a ban i mean come on everyone argues.I just think that it was really handled badly, if they wanted me to stop then they should have said stop and silenced me, all the other members did was just jump in the arguement and make it even worse than it really was. There really was no need for a ban in this situation and i hope that everyting can go back to the way it was. Im sorry if this has made anyone upset because i had no intention of making this a big deal.

 #14195  by RaVeN
Sid, There are some holes in your posts that I need filled. One being you keep saying that you were arguing with delev, but so far you have yet to explain what you were arguing about and why.

Second, I am told you and others were calling him “retard” and when the Admins told you to stop using that word you downgraded to “mumble.” But here you tell me this is his name? I need you to clarify this.

Third, the Admins on the server at that time tell me there were numerous “general” warnings about silencing towards you and others. Yet you tell me you were not warned. I believe the mix up here is you personally were never “directly” warned. For example, a “direct” warning “Hey Sid stop or I will silence you” compared to a “general” warning “You guys stop or you will be silenced.” Though it seems I need to clarify to you that a “general” warning, much like the anti-laming bind, is still a warning to you directly, because if you know something is bad then you are held accountable for your actions regardless.

And fourth, you say that you haven’t been warned about being banned but just yesterday you and I had a little chat about the very subject. I told you that a ban is very likely with your current behavior on the server and I told you to be stop it at once and to be more careful/more cooperative in the future…
Yet here we are.

As you and others can guess there are numerous other inconsistencies with yours and the Admin’s stories. I also plan to talk to this delev player when I get the chance.

Until then I need you to explain these above mysteries to me to help close in this gap.

~This is still being investigated~

UPDATE: Lessa and I checked the logs and we thought this was interesting:

^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: delev + mumble= retard

^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: hes fluent in retard

^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: thats good retard grammar

^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: everything that you say is retarded

tell: ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{ to ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: man these ppl are strict

tell: ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos to ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{: i know

tell: ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{ to ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: lemme guess new admins

tell: ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos to ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{: just stay within the lines

tell: ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos to ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{: piss them off but do it legally

tell: ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos to ^7=}^0UoL^7{=^0Sasuke^7=}^0R^7{=: like piss them off put dont give them a reason to punish us

tell: ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{ to ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: this is our territory

tell: ^7=}^0UoL^7{=^0Sasuke^7=}^0R^7{= to ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: coo we got them to split and we didnt even do anything...well...techincally we did...insulting him saying we cant see him with a girl

This one is just atrocious:
tell: ^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos to ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{: silvers bein a real sandy va****
the original was not censored and this was after Silver was trying to not get Magma banned...

I bolded what was said to make it easier to read. Unfortunately for you Sid, private messaging is not as private as you thought.

DONT come to these forums acting innocent when you had agenda all along.

You've disgraced yourself Sid, the ban will stay

On the other hand however, Lessa and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Admins that were on at the time. You guys did your job to letter and we were both quite impressed! We thank you guys, you know who you are!

...oh ya and on a side note Magma is banned too.
Last edited by RaVeN on Thu May 17, 2007 10:41 am, edited 10 times in total.

 #14196  by Kenshin
eh.. how can i say.. owned?... lol
im totaly speechless i dont really know what to say

 #14199  by Fluffy
Rofflebunnies~ <3 Ravsy and Mel~

 #14200  by Lessa
Well Ra said it all. Hopefully nothing like that happens again, at least not soon, cause we spent hours by going through logs, which is one hell.

Also I´m really proud of our admins :*

 #14205  by Soulreaper
well at least that was taken care of

 #14206  by Tricky
I feel bad trying to defend you. It's sad that you were once a student of the same master by my side. Maybe some day you'll give up trying to piss people off for no reason, other than to get them in trouble.

 #14208  by Hime
woah....that was some case there.......

truly I did feel bad that I did take in those two as my paddy......
since there is evidence to proof their actions.....I know where I stand....
I am very disappointed to be honest
Tricky, never, ever, drag me into another arguement such as these.....I know my attitute but, I only show it towards lamers......
all I can say is two sure got owned....

 #14218  by Grimm
ouch...raven pretty much hit the nail on the head....well that throws my help outa the water lol

 #14226  by Tidus
I listened to the arguement for 3 days streight got tired of it and tryed to do something bout it.
It didnt work cause after i said what i needed said i was mocked or ignored

 #14231  by Soulreaper
lmao yea im glad those 2 r gone im so happy ill do this

 #14243  by Kenshin
well might aswell lock this post.. considerin everything has been dealt with

 #14249  by SilverCloud
Just curious, I'm trying to figure out who said what, and by the sounds of it... Sid was the one who refered to my femininity (that's a word, right?). Am I correct or am I reading wrong?

The previous comments that would match up with the format don't sound like Magma, vice versa for Sid.
I need to tell Ignis and Cervyl who they're trying to hunt down (they're so cute sometimes).
And, lastly, I want to make sure I know who it was... so that I can hold the grudge, and all that jazz.

<3 SilverCloud

(P.S. only the last reason was a joke... I'm horrible at holding grudges)

 #14250  by Kenshin
tell: magma to sidious ( that would mean that magma said it)

 #14254  by Sidious
ok sry i couldnt post sooner but i had school and work. Now i know by now you think im some kinda monster but this isnt what it seems and its gonna be hard to explain but i guess ill give it a shot if your willing to listen that is. Now when i referred to silver as a.... it was a inside joke, if you read the rest of the stuff in the console youl see me say the thing about a hot pocket lol. now what i meant bye the thing that obviously makes everyone upset is that she was just tickin me off lol, i dont hate silver and i have no reason to i was just pissed that i got silenced while i was afk and thats it. The reason i didnt say the comment out loud is because i knew that only mag would know what i was talkin bout and im sry that you all had to see what you probably think is much worse than what i actaully meant. As for the whole arguement in general i wasnt trying to piss off any of the admins me and mag just got into it with what we though was the same guy the day b4. I guess now that its not him (it might be, not for sure), but the other day he was laming and flaming and i just wanted to get him back not by laming or cussing but by just annoying him and thats it. i wasnt on a mission to get any of the kr members just that mumble guy. If you dont want to unban me i guess thats ok cause i really dont have much say in it but atleast unban magma cause he really didnt do anything and i dont know why he was banned in the first place.If you need something else answered ill be glad to do it because im sure i left something out, sry im a bit tired.

 #14255  by RaVeN
Magma has been banned because from what Lessa and I saw through the logs, he was being a flat out jerk.

Now this is not new, but it is part of the reason for his ban as well.

I know I have personally taken Magma aside at least twice since I have known him and told him to shape up on the server. Lessa has done the same not to mention other KR Admins. And from what Silver has been taking about she was doing the very same thing the night of.

Like I have said before, I’m usually up for second chances. But when it becomes apparent that a problem is constant, and when no matter how many times you try to fix it, it will just stay broken...then it’s time to trash it.

I don’t see the need to put our Admins through the same thing over and over again, albeit it is good training for the new ones, I’m sure they will get by.

Also, the last thing that put Lessa and I over the edge was:
tell: ^0=}^1UoL^0{=^1Magma^0}^1R^0{ to ^3^6Nor^5ius ^6Avo^5nos: this is our territory

Sorry, the KR server belongs to the KR clan and its members, no one else. I hope this is proof enough.

In regards to what else you wrote in you post. I am open to hearing what the other KR members think about it. I keep hearing the word(s) that this is not fair and the like but what it boils down to is:

The KR server isn't your server or even a public server. It's a Clan server and hence your "rights" are limited. Whatever the Clan wants will ALWAYS come first as long as the Clan can agree. And I for one don’t see the point of allowing players on it that do nothing but cause trouble for KR members.

But here I am being a broken record again as I have already told you this a few nights ago. I warned you to stop being a pain, and you agreed. Yet here I found proof of you trying to be a pain...That's absurd. I was sincerely trying to help and inform you.

You made me look like a fool Sid.
I don’t want you on our server anymore.

I encourage other members to reply if you want. I am interested in all of your opinions.

 #14258  by Phoenix
I stand by Raven, and my decision lies with her. Now, i'm all for second chances guys, and most of you know that.
Although in this instance instead of just admitting you (Sidious) were wrong, you just tried to blame it on someone else, "it was cause of that mumble guy" etc etc- look, if you were in the wrong admit it without trying to bring anyone else into it. Otherwise its not really an apology, its more of a "who can I shift the blame onto" post. The bottom line is, you directly insulted one of our members, it doesn't matter if it was a joke, the point is the words came from your mouth.

This case is closed as far as I can see.
