Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #148311  by Gilgamesh
I approve of his advancement so pleaaaase, I beg the council to overlook his trial :) he deserves it! :D
 #148317  by R4gnar
Hope you get your trial and good luck Shinky! You rock pal!
 #148318  by Rogue
Gilgamesh wrote:I approve of his advancement so pleaaaase, I beg the council to overlook his trial :) he deserves it! :D
Hey Gilg, Adept do not have a trial, but you can make up to your paddy, or whatever you plans to do with your paddy. I though of letting you know this.

Only Jedi and Knight have a trials.

Regardless, best of lucks Shink :)
 #148320  by Falcon
Well the trial bit is up to the master for Adept. If you deem him ready to rank up then he is ranked up!

~Moved to Promotions~
 #148336  by Gilgamesh
Oh, I totally forgot about that rogue xD thanks for reminding me; likewise, thank you too falcon :)