Quest Start Button (Spawns the NPC)
/place misc_model_breakable 0 model,models/map_objects/factory/f_con1,spawnflags,97,target,stormtrooperQuest,targetname,stormtrooperQuest2,
The NPC (Put it in the Middle of the room)
/place NPC_spawner 30 NPC_type,stormtrooper,count,-1,health,1000,NPC_target5,stormtroopercredits,showhealth,1,targetname,stormtrooperQuest,
The Deactivor for the Button (Fix that you can spamm Npc's)
/place target_deactivate * targetname,stormtrooperQuest,target,stormtrooperQuest2,
The Activator for the Button so after you killed the NPC the button will be Activated
/place target_activate * targetname,stormtroopercredits,target,stormtrooperQuest2,
The credits that you will get by killing the NPC
/place target_credits * targetname,stormtroopercredits,count,500
The teleporter out (Place it outside where do you want to be Teleported)
/place target_teleporter 11 targetname,stormtroopercredits,
/place misc_model_breakable 0 model,models/map_objects/factory/f_con1,spawnflags,97,target,stormtrooperQuest,targetname,stormtrooperQuest2,
The NPC (Put it in the Middle of the room)
/place NPC_spawner 30 NPC_type,stormtrooper,count,-1,health,1000,NPC_target5,stormtroopercredits,showhealth,1,targetname,stormtrooperQuest,
The Deactivor for the Button (Fix that you can spamm Npc's)
/place target_deactivate * targetname,stormtrooperQuest,target,stormtrooperQuest2,
The Activator for the Button so after you killed the NPC the button will be Activated
/place target_activate * targetname,stormtroopercredits,target,stormtrooperQuest2,
The credits that you will get by killing the NPC
/place target_credits * targetname,stormtroopercredits,count,500
The teleporter out (Place it outside where do you want to be Teleported)
/place target_teleporter 11 targetname,stormtroopercredits,