Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #139847  by Dirian*
So, I recently got hooked on podcasts.

Until a few months ago, I had the vaguest idea about what they were (they're not really popular in my country) - until my girlfriend (a.k.a. information junkie) introduced me to them, and made me appreciate the goldmine of knowledge and interesting stuff that they are.

Right now, my mind's set on Radiolab, a NYC-based podcast that's part of National Public Radio; they always cover a broad range of topics, ranging from shocking to truly astonishing. Given that this is an online community, I'm pretty sure most of you will love Darkode, an episode covering black hat hackers, the dark net and a whole bunch of other interesting, hacker-related stuff (I won't reveal it all for you!).

Now I'm wondering - how many of you out there listen to podcasts? Which are your favorites, and can you recommend any awesome ones? :wink:

[DISCLAIMER: According to their Terms of Use, Radiolab is intended for users over the age of 13]
 #139849  by RaVeN
I too am a fellow podcast listener.

To anyone on the fence about jumping in please PLEASE give this story a listen:
Rodney Versus Death
I think it might rock your world. It's my fav episode Radiolab has done.
And if you like that one then move onto this one about CRISPR

These are of course shows from Radiolab, the one you already mentioned.
Radiolab is on my queue too, but here are some others I listen to:
TED Radio Hour
This American Life
Planet Money - jump into this one by listening to this recent episode - The Experiment Experiment
 #139855  by Rogue
I just clicked and read some, and I admitted I got to love to read or listens to podcast. This is my 1st time and I'm seems to interested in it xD
 #139856  by Frog
Podcast is on my MP3 player, but honestly I listen to mainly John Williams and Hanz Zimmer ( Star wars and Batman + Man of Steel ) :P
But I'll give this a try!
 #139876  by MasterM
I've listened to the sporadic episode of This American Life and always been really impressed. The only one I used to listen to with any regularity was Car Talk, but alas they have now retired.
 #139886  by Awful
catching a buzz with gunner and chow

These guys talk about anything relevant. Very good radio personalities out of Fargo North Dakota that do a podcast on the side.

Just a heads up though they do use all colors of language. Not recommended for sensitive ears