The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #133526  by Falcon
The KR clan has voted Musashi|Yoda as the newest member of our family!

Musashi, can you check your PM box and this right here when you get a chance please? :)
 #133532  by John
Welcome to KRazy land.
 #133542  by Atem
Awesome :D congrats Yoda !!!
 #133555  by EvilTree
welcome !! :D
 #133561  by Jr.
Excellent! congrats, Musashi! =)
 #133570  by Key
congratumalations & welcome
 #133573  by Difionex
Welcome! The Doritos are on the table just there *points* and the sandwiches and water are in the kitchen to your right.
 #133747  by Jato
A very late welcome to the family!