The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #131485  by Falcon
The KR clan has voted in two new members! They are known as Defeatedz and Jr!

Guys please check your PM boxes when you get the chance and this :)
 #131489  by StarHunter
Congratz!!! Welcome!!! :D
 #131493  by Wolferion
Welcome on board ;)
 #131494  by toon
welcome, welcome =)
 #131495  by John
Welcome to KR!
 #131496  by Difionex
Welcome and welcome!
 #131500  by Jammer
Welcome to the Jungle we got fun and games!!!!! Hello you 2 welcome.
 #131502  by Jr.
Thanks everyone! It is really an honor to be a part of such a great bunch of people. :D :D :D
 #131506  by Rogue
Congratulations 2 of you, Welcome to KR :)
 #131510  by Jawa
Welcome to the family guys, glad to have you here!
 #131511  by Ted
Thank you all for the kind words and allowing me to be part of the fam! :wink: :D
 #131513  by Alucard*
This is awesome news grats to you both and welcome!

 #131514  by MasterM
Welcome to you both!
 #131521  by Key
congratumalations and bienvenido!
 #131523  by Clank
Congrats guys!!
 #131526  by Sakito
Congratz you guys!!!!!!
 #131543  by Jato
 #132022  by Jato
welcome :)