Show off your sexy skins and models here!

Moderator: Key

 #126556  by AvalonTreman

My Master Chief skin that I got from a clan I was in long long ago. I redid the visor today to look somewhat better. The neat thing about this model is it can be used on single player, and there's a variety of colors to choose from as well. Keep in mind, this is a "ported" skin (don't ask me what that means, I have no idea, but jk3filefront removed it based on that reason), so if that matters to you... well, sorry.

Here's a download link, should you want to use this on your own! ... sp=sharing
 #126557  by jawfin
Welcome to the KR forums :)

Ported means it wasn't created from scratch but imported from another game (like Quake 3!) by the use of utilities and such. I'd say it was removed due to copyright issues.