Greetings KR,
Darth N'rok has sent me to inform you all and expose a double agent of {{R}} in your clan.
Here is a log of ''Raison'' Agreeing to {{R}}:
[16:23:00] Zak: hi sith nrok this is raison
[16:25:42] *** Darth N'rok has shared contact details with Zak. ***
[16:25:54] Darth N'rok: Good, good, your Skype at last has gained function.
[16:26:06] Zak: for now lawl
[16:26:28] Darth N'rok: Yes.. We both know why we're here.
[16:26:37] Zak: indeed'
[16:26:42] Darth N'rok: KR would advise against even talking to me.
[16:26:49] Darth N'rok: They would limit you out of fear.
[16:26:54] Zak: yea
[16:26:55] Darth N'rok: But they can be useful.
[16:27:18] Darth N'rok: You know why you had issues last time?
[16:27:25] Darth N'rok: Because you did not know what to do.
[16:27:32] Zak: true
[16:27:56] Darth N'rok: You were confused, that is why you thought you were harming KR, and that WOPR was a clan of manipulators and betrayers.
[16:28:13] Zak: yyes
[16:28:21] Darth N'rok: Most people within WOPR who have been betrayed received such a fate because they were originally the traitors.
[16:28:37] Zak: mhm
[16:28:39] Darth N'rok: It is why Bossk had to suffer such a fate, because he betrayed us and denounced us before all of JAWA.
[16:28:50] Zak: :/
[16:28:59] Darth N'rok: Do you truly think that by aligning yourself with {{R}}, you are hurting or betraying anyone?
[16:29:11] Darth N'rok: When there is no evidence of such betrayals having been done by us.
[16:29:18] Darth N'rok: Only punishments administered to traitors of our guild.
[16:29:57] Zak: its becuase of i said i would spy on kr for r *jawa sent the logs to our council*
[16:30:12] Darth N'rok: Then do not make that mistake, WOPR make that mistake, {{R}} does not.
[16:30:21] Darth N'rok: I have taken charge of all our operations due to the past failures.
[16:30:26] Zak: i see
[16:30:31] Darth N'rok: Discussing sensitive information in clan servers is a bad idea.
[16:30:38] Darth N'rok: Unless you intend for the clan to see them and react.
[16:30:38] Zak: ya
[16:31:07] Darth N'rok: {{R}} never disowned you, you left us because something went terribly wrong.
[16:31:19] Zak: i se
[16:31:45] Darth N'rok: Would you like the chance, to make EMP suffer as you originally desired?
[16:32:56] Zak: yes but i wish to be kept hidden
[16:33:05] Darth N'rok: We did not expose you last time though.
[16:33:10] Zak: ik
[16:33:21] Darth N'rok: I have taken many precautions since my own exposure.
[16:33:22] Zak: it was water who exposed me
[16:33:32] Zak: and reported me
[16:33:40] Darth N'rok: Yes, when you are doing something for another clan, talk about it only to that other clan.
[16:34:04] Darth N'rok: It is in a way our faults for not telling you how this works.
[16:34:16] Zak: dont worry
[16:34:20] Darth N'rok: It is simple, keep it off servers you know it can be logged on.
[16:34:44] Darth N'rok: In fact, {{R}} make it an aim to only talk about attacks on servers if they know it will be logged.
[16:34:53] Darth N'rok: To stir up the chaos when they look into their own logs.
[16:35:21] Zak: yes
[16:35:40] Darth N'rok: Do you still believe, that by being with {{R}} while still with others, that you are actually harming others?
[16:35:46] Darth N'rok: Because I believe you said that to save yourself.
[16:35:50] Darth N'rok: From your severe error.
[16:36:40] Zak: sigh not really it was how i felt at the time
[16:37:01] Darth N'rok: It is how you are caused to feel by consequences.
[16:37:21] Darth N'rok: It was the way you felt because you knew that this failure had cause a lot of damage.
[16:37:37] Darth N'rok: *caused
[16:37:59] Darth N'rok: You do not need to fear it happening again, fear is a limiting factor, that prevents you getting as much done.
[16:38:09] Zak: ok
[16:38:53] Darth N'rok: I will tell you this now, that you still have your position in {{R}} if you wish to reclaim it, because I believe Ga-Gorib also did not inform you properly of what to do when working for two sides.
[16:39:10] Darth N'rok: It was a terrible idea to tell you to do so and offer you no guidance whatsoever.
[16:39:10] Zak: yea
[16:39:30] Darth N'rok: I presume you still remember the WOPR site..
[16:39:34] Darth N'rok: It is now also the {{R}} base.
[16:40:09] Zak: yea
[16:40:53] Darth N'rok: Do you believe, that you can do this again? Not make the same mistakes? And as a result accomplish anything you desire, including powerful revenge upon EMP?
[16:42:00] Zak: i belive i can desire and accomplish anything
[16:42:29] Darth N'rok: So, you wish to re-assume your position and watch EMP suffer?
[16:42:48] Zak: 'indeed
[16:43:03] Darth N'rok: Hmm, then I must name you.
[16:43:11] Darth N'rok: Because you cannot have Raison as an {{R}} name.
[16:43:15] Darth N'rok: You would be exposed, so fast.
[16:43:19] Zak: yea
[16:43:30] Darth N'rok: Hmmm, I will do it as Delengtha did to me.
[16:43:37] Darth N'rok: Acolyte Nosiar{R}
[16:43:43] Darth N'rok: I simply reversed your name too.
[16:44:03] Zak: oh ok cool name actully
[16:44:18] Darth N'rok: You do realize this will involve spying and whatnot too, right?
[16:44:23] Darth N'rok: We're all spying on people.
[16:44:40] Darth N'rok: I assigned everyone who is remotely capable of it an infiltration the minute I took back my Darth rank.
[16:45:58] Darth N'rok: Which of your forms of contact is the most stable?
[16:46:25] Darth N'rok: I will have to ask Ga-Gorib to reinstate your forum rankings as well, and announce your return at some point, once he fixes my forum account.
[16:46:37] Darth N'rok: I suggest posting on the WOPR main area, mentioning your return.
[16:46:44] Darth N'rok: It would be, very helpful, given the circumstances.
[16:49:38] Zak: well sadly, kr knows the website somehow so i cant since my name on the wopr site is samply raison >.<
[16:50:10] Darth N'rok: Hmmmm, can KR access the forum though?
[16:50:20] Darth N'rok: Because users require admin activation.
[16:50:32] Darth N'rok: Meaning Ga-Gorib won't just let everyone see the website.
[16:52:21] Darth N'rok: Simply state that you have returned and that Darth N'rok{{R}} re-initiated you as Acolyte Nosiar{R}
[16:53:44] Zak: welll since i saw some of the sections before i had my account activated yea
[16:54:02] Darth N'rok: Which sections can you see now?
[16:56:42] Zak: btw you know who TnG miya is?
[16:56:45] Zak: sakito
[16:56:56] Darth N'rok: Interesting.
[16:57:09] Darth N'rok: I have never really associated myself with any other TnG than alTy.
[16:57:42] Zak: Lol alty is always on the russain server *rus rus russy!*
[16:58:44] Zak: btw i dont see anything now on the broads
[16:59:00] Darth N'rok: Hmm, I will have to consult with Ga-Gorib when he gets on.
[16:59:14] Darth N'rok: Is your computer capable of running X-Fire?
[16:59:24] Zak: nope its too slow
[17:00:07] Darth N'rok: This will have to do.
[17:00:28] Zak: AH i see now wait
[17:01:00] Zak: if you click on portal it will show you the recent topic without having to logon the forum
[17:01:14] Darth N'rok: Can you access the topic at all.
[17:01:18] Zak: yea
[17:01:21] Darth N'rok: Oh fuck.
[17:01:25] Darth N'rok: Seriously, bad security there.
[17:01:29] Zak: yea
[17:01:37] Darth N'rok: I think I will have to make forums myself, this is getting horrible.
[17:01:46] Zak: i see
[17:01:47] Darth N'rok: How bad did this get while I wasn't here....
[17:01:53] Zak: idk
[17:02:16] Darth N'rok: Does KR know this as your Skype?
[17:02:47] Zak: yea kr knows my skype
[17:03:11] Zak: but they cant see what am typeing to you tho
[17:03:24] Darth N'rok: Good. Good. I assume nobody will be shown anyway.
[17:04:36] Darth N'rok: Remember this though, you have agreed, you cannot just jump off and tell KR ''im sorry they r all pricks''
[17:04:46] Darth N'rok: That is something Bossk did.
[17:04:53] Darth N'rok: You recall what happened to him.
[17:05:02] Darth N'rok: He lost his clan because he was exposed for his agreement.
[17:05:15] Zak: yes
[17:05:29] Zak: i will remmeber thar
[17:07:04] Darth N'rok: Because you know, that once you spoke, agreeing, it got logged. You cannot simply pretend you never did this.
[17:07:21] Darth N'rok: You are a double-agent of {{R}} and you know what to do.
[17:07:38] Zak: ok i will not make no mistakes
[17:08:06] Darth N'rok: Yes, once fully initiated on forums, you know that Ga-Gorib will want to know the secrets of your other clan.
[17:09:25] Zak: yea but sadly they dont talk about thier sercity or such i still dont have admin on there
[17:09:48] Darth N'rok: Indeed, but we will hear everything that is a secret.
[17:10:07] Zak: yea
[17:10:11] Darth N'rok: {{R}} is a fair clan, we will not expose you in any way as long as you are loyal and co-operative.
[17:10:18] Zak: ik
Darth N'rok has sent me to inform you all and expose a double agent of {{R}} in your clan.
Here is a log of ''Raison'' Agreeing to {{R}}:
[16:23:00] Zak: hi sith nrok this is raison
[16:25:42] *** Darth N'rok has shared contact details with Zak. ***
[16:25:54] Darth N'rok: Good, good, your Skype at last has gained function.
[16:26:06] Zak: for now lawl
[16:26:28] Darth N'rok: Yes.. We both know why we're here.
[16:26:37] Zak: indeed'
[16:26:42] Darth N'rok: KR would advise against even talking to me.
[16:26:49] Darth N'rok: They would limit you out of fear.
[16:26:54] Zak: yea
[16:26:55] Darth N'rok: But they can be useful.
[16:27:18] Darth N'rok: You know why you had issues last time?
[16:27:25] Darth N'rok: Because you did not know what to do.
[16:27:32] Zak: true
[16:27:56] Darth N'rok: You were confused, that is why you thought you were harming KR, and that WOPR was a clan of manipulators and betrayers.
[16:28:13] Zak: yyes
[16:28:21] Darth N'rok: Most people within WOPR who have been betrayed received such a fate because they were originally the traitors.
[16:28:37] Zak: mhm
[16:28:39] Darth N'rok: It is why Bossk had to suffer such a fate, because he betrayed us and denounced us before all of JAWA.
[16:28:50] Zak: :/
[16:28:59] Darth N'rok: Do you truly think that by aligning yourself with {{R}}, you are hurting or betraying anyone?
[16:29:11] Darth N'rok: When there is no evidence of such betrayals having been done by us.
[16:29:18] Darth N'rok: Only punishments administered to traitors of our guild.
[16:29:57] Zak: its becuase of i said i would spy on kr for r *jawa sent the logs to our council*
[16:30:12] Darth N'rok: Then do not make that mistake, WOPR make that mistake, {{R}} does not.
[16:30:21] Darth N'rok: I have taken charge of all our operations due to the past failures.
[16:30:26] Zak: i see
[16:30:31] Darth N'rok: Discussing sensitive information in clan servers is a bad idea.
[16:30:38] Darth N'rok: Unless you intend for the clan to see them and react.
[16:30:38] Zak: ya
[16:31:07] Darth N'rok: {{R}} never disowned you, you left us because something went terribly wrong.
[16:31:19] Zak: i se
[16:31:45] Darth N'rok: Would you like the chance, to make EMP suffer as you originally desired?
[16:32:56] Zak: yes but i wish to be kept hidden
[16:33:05] Darth N'rok: We did not expose you last time though.
[16:33:10] Zak: ik
[16:33:21] Darth N'rok: I have taken many precautions since my own exposure.
[16:33:22] Zak: it was water who exposed me
[16:33:32] Zak: and reported me
[16:33:40] Darth N'rok: Yes, when you are doing something for another clan, talk about it only to that other clan.
[16:34:04] Darth N'rok: It is in a way our faults for not telling you how this works.
[16:34:16] Zak: dont worry
[16:34:20] Darth N'rok: It is simple, keep it off servers you know it can be logged on.
[16:34:44] Darth N'rok: In fact, {{R}} make it an aim to only talk about attacks on servers if they know it will be logged.
[16:34:53] Darth N'rok: To stir up the chaos when they look into their own logs.
[16:35:21] Zak: yes
[16:35:40] Darth N'rok: Do you still believe, that by being with {{R}} while still with others, that you are actually harming others?
[16:35:46] Darth N'rok: Because I believe you said that to save yourself.
[16:35:50] Darth N'rok: From your severe error.
[16:36:40] Zak: sigh not really it was how i felt at the time
[16:37:01] Darth N'rok: It is how you are caused to feel by consequences.
[16:37:21] Darth N'rok: It was the way you felt because you knew that this failure had cause a lot of damage.
[16:37:37] Darth N'rok: *caused
[16:37:59] Darth N'rok: You do not need to fear it happening again, fear is a limiting factor, that prevents you getting as much done.
[16:38:09] Zak: ok
[16:38:53] Darth N'rok: I will tell you this now, that you still have your position in {{R}} if you wish to reclaim it, because I believe Ga-Gorib also did not inform you properly of what to do when working for two sides.
[16:39:10] Darth N'rok: It was a terrible idea to tell you to do so and offer you no guidance whatsoever.
[16:39:10] Zak: yea
[16:39:30] Darth N'rok: I presume you still remember the WOPR site..
[16:39:34] Darth N'rok: It is now also the {{R}} base.
[16:40:09] Zak: yea
[16:40:53] Darth N'rok: Do you believe, that you can do this again? Not make the same mistakes? And as a result accomplish anything you desire, including powerful revenge upon EMP?
[16:42:00] Zak: i belive i can desire and accomplish anything
[16:42:29] Darth N'rok: So, you wish to re-assume your position and watch EMP suffer?
[16:42:48] Zak: 'indeed
[16:43:03] Darth N'rok: Hmm, then I must name you.
[16:43:11] Darth N'rok: Because you cannot have Raison as an {{R}} name.
[16:43:15] Darth N'rok: You would be exposed, so fast.
[16:43:19] Zak: yea
[16:43:30] Darth N'rok: Hmmm, I will do it as Delengtha did to me.
[16:43:37] Darth N'rok: Acolyte Nosiar{R}
[16:43:43] Darth N'rok: I simply reversed your name too.
[16:44:03] Zak: oh ok cool name actully

[16:44:18] Darth N'rok: You do realize this will involve spying and whatnot too, right?
[16:44:23] Darth N'rok: We're all spying on people.
[16:44:40] Darth N'rok: I assigned everyone who is remotely capable of it an infiltration the minute I took back my Darth rank.
[16:45:58] Darth N'rok: Which of your forms of contact is the most stable?
[16:46:25] Darth N'rok: I will have to ask Ga-Gorib to reinstate your forum rankings as well, and announce your return at some point, once he fixes my forum account.
[16:46:37] Darth N'rok: I suggest posting on the WOPR main area, mentioning your return.
[16:46:44] Darth N'rok: It would be, very helpful, given the circumstances.
[16:49:38] Zak: well sadly, kr knows the website somehow so i cant since my name on the wopr site is samply raison >.<
[16:50:10] Darth N'rok: Hmmmm, can KR access the forum though?
[16:50:20] Darth N'rok: Because users require admin activation.
[16:50:32] Darth N'rok: Meaning Ga-Gorib won't just let everyone see the website.
[16:52:21] Darth N'rok: Simply state that you have returned and that Darth N'rok{{R}} re-initiated you as Acolyte Nosiar{R}
[16:53:44] Zak: welll since i saw some of the sections before i had my account activated yea
[16:54:02] Darth N'rok: Which sections can you see now?
[16:56:42] Zak: btw you know who TnG miya is?
[16:56:45] Zak: sakito
[16:56:56] Darth N'rok: Interesting.
[16:57:09] Darth N'rok: I have never really associated myself with any other TnG than alTy.
[16:57:42] Zak: Lol alty is always on the russain server *rus rus russy!*
[16:58:44] Zak: btw i dont see anything now on the broads
[16:59:00] Darth N'rok: Hmm, I will have to consult with Ga-Gorib when he gets on.
[16:59:14] Darth N'rok: Is your computer capable of running X-Fire?
[16:59:24] Zak: nope its too slow
[17:00:07] Darth N'rok: This will have to do.
[17:00:28] Zak: AH i see now wait
[17:01:00] Zak: if you click on portal it will show you the recent topic without having to logon the forum
[17:01:14] Darth N'rok: Can you access the topic at all.
[17:01:18] Zak: yea
[17:01:21] Darth N'rok: Oh fuck.
[17:01:25] Darth N'rok: Seriously, bad security there.
[17:01:29] Zak: yea
[17:01:37] Darth N'rok: I think I will have to make forums myself, this is getting horrible.
[17:01:46] Zak: i see
[17:01:47] Darth N'rok: How bad did this get while I wasn't here....
[17:01:53] Zak: idk
[17:02:16] Darth N'rok: Does KR know this as your Skype?
[17:02:47] Zak: yea kr knows my skype
[17:03:11] Zak: but they cant see what am typeing to you tho
[17:03:24] Darth N'rok: Good. Good. I assume nobody will be shown anyway.
[17:04:36] Darth N'rok: Remember this though, you have agreed, you cannot just jump off and tell KR ''im sorry they r all pricks''
[17:04:46] Darth N'rok: That is something Bossk did.
[17:04:53] Darth N'rok: You recall what happened to him.
[17:05:02] Darth N'rok: He lost his clan because he was exposed for his agreement.
[17:05:15] Zak: yes
[17:05:29] Zak: i will remmeber thar
[17:07:04] Darth N'rok: Because you know, that once you spoke, agreeing, it got logged. You cannot simply pretend you never did this.
[17:07:21] Darth N'rok: You are a double-agent of {{R}} and you know what to do.
[17:07:38] Zak: ok i will not make no mistakes
[17:08:06] Darth N'rok: Yes, once fully initiated on forums, you know that Ga-Gorib will want to know the secrets of your other clan.
[17:09:25] Zak: yea but sadly they dont talk about thier sercity or such i still dont have admin on there
[17:09:48] Darth N'rok: Indeed, but we will hear everything that is a secret.
[17:10:07] Zak: yea
[17:10:11] Darth N'rok: {{R}} is a fair clan, we will not expose you in any way as long as you are loyal and co-operative.
[17:10:18] Zak: ik