Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #120694  by Key
Kenny passed his Knight's trial today! Jawa was my lovely assistant, so thanks Jawa for helping!

Also, as people have been commenting - I completely forgot to check... grats to Sentreth for attaining Jedi Guardian status. Sorry!

Here's how it turned out:

2v1 (2/3)
R1) lost
R2) lost
R3) won
R4) won
R5) lost

1v1 (5/5)
R1) Key -> lost
R2) Jawa -> won
R3) K -> lost
R4) J -> lost
R5) K -> won
R6) J -> lost
R7) K -> won
R8) J -> lost
R9) K -> won
R0) J -> won

Good job, Kenny. You did very well, keep up the great work.
 #120695  by snowplower
I spectated the trial!

Nice job kenny! you made it =)
 #120696  by Jawa
Congrats Kenny, knew you you could do it!
 #120703  by Zabuza
Kenny was never made adept.
 #120705  by John
Good work
 #120706  by Fraea
nice job kenny
 #120709  by Sentreth
Good work paddy! I told ya you could do it! Those sessions paid off.
 #120713  by Jawa
Oh and congrats to you too Sent for making Guardia
 #120715  by Sakito
Congratz Kenny on knights =^_^=

And congratz sen on guardian =^_^=
 #120762  by Creed
It's about time, Lol Good job Kenny.
 #120763  by Zabuza
Rosters and Tree Upated~

Congrats to you both!
 #120782  by Lothar
Well done Grand paddy :-)