Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #117194  by Fraea
Gave AG a small Adept trial cuz of his computer being down, i wanted to make sure he retained some info while being absent.

gave him a MOCK Knights Trial and here are the results.

Trialer : Fraea
Assistant : Sakito

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Fraea)
2. Lost --(Sakito)
3. Won --(Fraea)
4. Won --(Sakito)
5. Lost --(Fraea)
6. Won --(Sakito)
7. Won --(Fraea)
8. Lost --(Sakito)
9. Lost --(Fraea)
10. Lost --(Sakito)

2 vs 1:

1. Lost
2. Won
3. Lost
4. Lost
5. Won

Final result: Won 4 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 2 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Congrats PaddyCakes !!

 #117195  by Sakito
He did pretty good =^_^= congratz grey!!!!

 #117197  by Zabuza

~Rosters and Family Tree updated~

 #117200  by Jato
Good job!

 #117201  by Lothar
Well done buddy

 #117226  by Key
superb! D:

 #117227  by Uscari
Great! Mock knight trials are awesome ^^
Congratz! :D

 #117237  by Raison
nice one :D

 #117990  by TheDoctor