Lesson 12- Planetary Data- Taris
Taris is widely considered to be one of the few planets to have worked its way back to being habitable after a planet-wide disaster. The way back to this was paved with numerous struggles with both its inhabitants and the planet itself. Overall, the planet most likely cost more lives than all that were lost in the Jedi Civil War, and quite possibly, even the Mandalorian Wars.
The planet started out its ‘life’ as a simple colony planet, but over time it slowly became covered in a planet-wide city, and as more and more arrived on Taris, the city continued to build on top of the previous work, eventually creating three main sub-divisions, the Upper City, the Lower City, and the Undercity, the decay of the planet growing more and more apparent the deeper one went.
Due to its location close to a major hyperspace route, it eventually became known as the ‘Coruscant of the Outer Rim’, although it had something that Coruscant lacked, an ocean, meaning that that the entire city wasn't really planet-wide, but the reputation still grew with each passing generation. However, as that reputation grew, it was simply masking the decay that was slowly taking its hold over the lower cities.
Sometime around 4,086 BBY, the famous Rakghoul disease broke out in the Undercity, eventually leading to it being largely abandoned by its citizens. Even with the disease taking its hold, the Undercity was still considered to be the planet’s infrastructure, although in time, it became too overrun by Gamorrean Slavers and Rakghouls to have any practical use. These events were merely a shadow of the darkness that was about to come.
As more and more trade routes began to spring up, Taris slowly became ‘obsolete’ as a trading hub, leading its inhabitants to search for ways to save credits, eventually leading them to switch to a cheaper power source. This source created massive amounts of toxic waste, and eventually polluted Taris’ ocean, causing a planet-wide famine. As the richer citizens hogged all of the remaining food sources, the poor rose up, and ignited the Tarisian Civil War.
Ultimately, the rich prevailed, and as the prisons across the planet became filled, the tradition of sending criminals to the Undercity, leaving them to fend for themselves against the Gamorreans and Rakghouls, started. It was also around this time that the infamous Tarisian prejudice against aliens began; most likely due to most of the rebels from the Civil War being of alien descent. This prejudice continued to exist for another century, making the planet significantly hostile to aliens looking for a new place to settle down. Eerily similar to how criminals were treated; the aliens were banished to Lower City, leaving the Upper City to become solely populated by rich humans.
Eventually, the food supplies on Taris ran out, and they became solely reliant on imported foods. It was also around this time that the infamous Swoop Bike sub-culture of the city began to come into existence. Although not particularly prevalent on the Upper City, it became practically the economy of the Lower City. Swoop gang wars became common, with the most famous being that of the Black Vulkars and the Hidden Beks.
During the Mandalorian Wars, the planet became one of the first major planets to be threatened by the Mandalorians as they began to sweep through the Outer Rim territories. Due to its close proximity to the ‘front’, the planet was granted membership in the Republic, and was turned into a major staging area by Revanchists, a group of Jedi who rebelled against the Jedi Council’s judgment to stay out of the war, at least for the time being.
Taris became the first major strike against the Republic by the Mandalorians, after it had been largely abandoned by the Republican Military, and the Jedi Order. In their first strike, they largely conquered the Upper City, seizing the Jedi Temple on the planet and the military base which then used as a staging area. A resistance movement lead by the Hidden Beks tried to reclaim the planet, but they were eventually defeated.
After the Mandalorian’s final defeat at Malachor V, the remaining forces left on Taris were largely presumed to have abandoned the planet, or to have been driven out by Revan and Malak’s forces. In the year after the war’s end, the Republic maintained a small garrison on the planet, although it was considered to have had no military value or importance.
As Revan and Malak returned as Sith Lords, their forces quickly became to conquer the Outer Rim territories, leaving Taris to once again be threatened. However, soon after this conquest began, Revan was supposedly killed by a Jedi Strike Team, leaving only Malak to threaten the Republic. As more and more of his forces swept through the Republic, the Republic Senators began to take action.
A ship was sent out to aid in building up the garrison on the planet, among the passengers were Carth Onasi, a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars, Bastila Shan, one of the ‘keys’ to the Republic’s defense against Malak, and a brainwashed Revan, who was unaware of his true identity. The ship, named the
Endar Spire, however was ambushed by a Sith Warship above the planet, which had recently been conquered by Malak’s forces. Carth, Bastila, and Revan were the only survivors of the attack, which left them stranded on the planet.
Days after their escape, Malak ordered the planet to be razed, fearing that Bastila would escape from his grasp. Despite his efforts, the group escaped from the planet just as the Sith began their assault, leaving no building left standing. Millions died in the assault, although the majority of those living in the Undercity survived the bombardment.
As the Undercity citizens tried to survive, they found the planet to largely be unlivable. Eventually, they died out, leaving the planet completely abandoned, a silent reminder of the Jedi Civil War. However, three hundred and fifteen years after Malak razed the planet, the Republic attempted to reestablish the city, somewhat succeeding in their efforts as the planet slowly began to rebuild itself, although it would never regain its once massive city.
The planet was largely ignored during the Clone Wars, the planet itself becoming a member of the Council of Neutral Systems. It, like all other planets, came under the control of the Empire, although it was never the site of any major battles. After the fall of the Empire, it joined the New Republic. Although it was later conquered by the invading Yuuzhan Vong, it was neither razed nor altered in any way. After the war, it was liberated by the New Republic.