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 #56221  by Phoenix
I haven't really had a chance to look at the website, this mockup is as far as I got:


 #56223  by BadWolf
looks gewd :3

 #56292  by Rugg
oh very nice

 #56302  by Fazz
it does look good. but to me it seems to dark. atm the kr site is all bright nice and shiny, but to me that just seems a little more... scary....

 #56304  by Akimoto
Fazz wrote:it does look good. but to me it seems to dark. atm the kr site is all bright nice and shiny, but to me that just seems a little more... scary....
I can agree with that! - We all know light beats dark! ...Because dark cant overcome light. Seriously. Have you ever seen a dark room not being light up from a good flashlight?

 #56305  by Phoenix
Yeah, I know it's dark. I'll probably have another go at it- maybe using the other logo with the transparent background. The problem is the logo itself is dark and it looks a bit odd a dark logo with a really bright background.


 #56311  by Akimoto
Phoenix wrote:Yeah, I know it's dark. I'll probably have another go at it- maybe using the other logo with the transparent background. The problem is the logo itself is dark and it looks a bit odd a dark logo with a really bright background.

Try making the "black sun" into a ... "lightblue sun" (lightside-based)! ...BlackSun is kinda too dark for KR - even though it looks great :roll:

EDIT: After taking a second look at it, I realized, instead of making the logo black, (then lightblue-blue glow around it) into darkness (black) make it... stay bright! ><

 #56329  by Falcon
Looks awesome :)

 #56402  by Delev
Looks cool :)

 #57330  by RaVeN
Well it has been awhile since this has been updated.

Pho and I have been working on this (as requested) and we have the update running...just not up yet - expect that sometime this week.

But here is a quick preview for all the KR members and also guests and outsiders.

This flash video page will load when you come to visit our site in the coming days: ... flash.html

 #57340  by Delev
Awesome O.O

 #57348  by BadWolf
still lags :\

looks awesome though o.o

 #57352  by Rugg
yeah she's a bit laggy for me too

 #57439  by echo
*opens mouth*


*closes mouth*


(Didn't lag at all for me)

 #57455  by Chantelle
Looks brilliant

Brilliant job you two.

No lag at all for me.

 #57649  by RaVeN
Ok, this should be the final draft if everything is working.

Jawfin helped out a lot with the preloader, so all that credit goes to him :)

Thanks Jaws 8)

Here is one of the two possible final links:

gray - made to match our forum colors.

Please say which one you like more and please please let me know if you run into any issues!
Last edited by RaVeN on Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 #57650  by ForteGigasGos
Perfect, load time isn't to long, no glitches. Looks perfect, good job.

 #57651  by Kioshi
As far as the looks of the page go i like the looks of the blue one best. but ur preloader makes it take forever to get to watch the movie, it was loading instantly for me before but now i gotta wait about a minute and a half before it will even start playing.

 #57652  by jawfin
it was playing instantly before because it had already been downloaded into your cache. As the movie hadn't changed in the last few weeks, you wouldn't remember its initial wait. The file size is the same, and if you watch it again, you won't even see the preloader as the new movie is in your cache.

It will change again soon as I intend to put a Skip button on the preloader. Also note the speed has a lot to do with Rav's server, imo its quite slow, at least for me, compared to my server that is. It will be faster when the KR webserver has it hosted.

Sidepoint, I also did the Enter and Replay buttons and the fade in at the end, so if they don't work or need improvement, w/e, then say so.

 #57654  by jawfin
woops, edit the the above, Rav increased the quality of the movie I had published and thus its 7.5GB all told - that would account for the extra loading time.

If someone can do a preloader in Flash for a avi (mp4 compression) file instead of us converting the movie to swf, then it would only be 5GB download instead 7.5GB - of course then that same person would also have to be able to do the Enter / Replay at the end as at the moment thats built into the actual movie.

 #57655  by Necros
Movie still looks as sexy as ever, and I have to agree with Kio, the blue background looks a lot better than the gray one does. Fits the whole backdrop that the movie sets. So, /amvote blue

 #57656  by Kioshi
I never had to wait even from the first instance she put it up, it has always started playing the second i clicked on it until now.

 #57657  by jawfin
The difference is this time it downloads the whole movie before it plays. I would say previously that it was semi-streaming. Anyone who doesn't have your bandwidth of connection sees the movie lag if the download is slower then the play time.

The obvious solution is to detect the transfer speed and start the movie at a time when the player knows it will all be downloaded by the time the movie has finished. In your case that would be 2 seconds, in my case its 2 minutes.

Unfortunately I don't know Flash well enough to accommodate that, so if anyone has AS that can do this, then let me know please!

 #57658  by Phoenix
Jawfin i'm taking it your refering to MB not GB. Cause I think you'd be looking at a longer loading time then a few seconds if it was 7.5GB.