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PostPosted:Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:22 pm
by Chantelle
okay I have looked up packet shapers and to me they look like they are still placed on teh gateway which is exactly what i said?? (well relayed from what thingy said anyway)
so as I postes before the changes u need to make are on the gateyway
you internet connection and the changed firewall cannot be changed at all from your PC its the gatewat taht determines this..
PostPosted:Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:50 pm
by Scythe
hmmmm, i'm still not convinced... with computers there is always a backdoor somewhere...
PostPosted:Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:57 pm
by Chantelle
its not as simple as that, if there was a simple overide and all that easily known and not dealt with dont u think even microsoft (not the most secure company in the world) would have dealth with it otherwise the whole world woudl be in mutiny..
u missed the point this isnt about ur computer..
Your computer doesnt connect to the internet
your gateway does or at least your gateway connects to whatever connects to teh internet
you could ahve to go past 1 maybe 2 firewalls both need to allow your serive through,
these communicate through protocol, unless u can supply the credentials which are domain admin scope ur knackered plus there is encryption..
there is only a backdoor if there is a backdoor
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:06 pm
by Chantelle
I was gonna say I never wrote any of that lol
I guess this is what you meant yesterday morning.
Anyway what she said
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:29 pm
by Scythe
oi T_T only what she said...... well what about trying to go for a wireless connection? Think its worth it?
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:36 pm
by Phoenix
Scythe it isnt possible. Chan and Mel have made that pretty clear.
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:39 pm
by Chantelle
well what she said was sufficient.
you mean connect to the internet using wireless rather than wire? what differnece woudl that make? you connect to the gateway through a wire or waves that makes no difference, the gateway connects to the internet.
What I explained to Mel which she correctly relayed was that the problem does not exist on yoru machine, the problem is well beyond teh scope of your machine and if (depending on how good ur tech staff have been) they should have polcies enforced to prevent you from doing anything.
WIthout knowingexactly how they have things setup its difficult ti determine. but its not just a case of click a few buttons and hey presto I have complete netork access as if that was the case there would be no point in the internet.
You need to administrer the gatewat whether that be a router/ ISA server or whatever. in fact there could be several gateways until u reach teh internet.. the network is layed out logically so a physical computer isnt going to make teh difference
you need to access the gateway with the software and make teh changes..
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:43 pm
by Scythe
ah but with wireless, i don't have to apply to the schools network rules anymore, i could either try find the closest wireless network (not the schools they have that too) or buy a wireless service ( i don't know 100% about wireless whether u have to buy a service or not XD <-- if thats wrong than just disregard that XD)
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:01 pm
by Phoenix
Thats possible. Alot of mobile phone companies provide cards that allow you to connect to the internet. Although its very pricey and your ping will likely be worse then it is on the school. They are ment for minimal internet usuage not gaming.
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:44 pm
by RaVeN
Scythe, if you are really adamant about this whole thing why don’t you do what normal kids with no IT experience do and get a petition going around campus to allow internet gaming.
The College will almost all the time bend to what the students want…I mean dude, this is college not high school.
Take my school for example. They can now serve alcohol on campus for 21 years and older students. And that started last year. In fact, last night was Margarita Night on the Quad. I didn’t end up going though.
If that is possible, anything is possible; gaming should be a piece of cake. Just remember that you and your fellow students pay their salary and you’re golden.
EDIT: LOL, oh yeah, there is a college out in California that became a nudist colony all because the surfer dudes wanted to come to class with sandels and no shirt. Im serious look this up.
However, under the health codes of the state they couldn't. So they got the administration to make them become a nudist colony. A few students do take the nudist colony thing serious (walk around naked) but 99% dont. LOL you cant get busted for striking anymore!
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:49 pm
by Scythe
hmmm interesting thought... would be cheaper than wireless.... but that would require something i can't do unless drunk... talk to other people T_T
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:02 pm
by Tricky
You could apply for satellite internet if it's serviced in your area, nubcake.
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:13 pm
by Phoenix
Lol Tricky. Yea if you want to pay like $100 a month, sure go ahead.
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:41 pm
by Tricky
It's not that much, lol. Why would they charge so much? It's for people who don't have any cable internet or DSL providers in there area. My friend has it for a reasonable price. Like $40 a month or something.
PostPosted:Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:59 pm
by Scythe
well, until i can figure out other ways around it ( don't care how much u argue it, there's always a way through) i might try the petition. then i will can se if i can get games and filesharing back.... slow transfers.... slow slow slow >_<
PostPosted:Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:18 am
by Chantelle
is this ur own computer ? because if it not then as i say they may have it locked down to prevent you from installing things ...
not saying they do, they should do but not saying they do.
the wireless is hit and miss you ar relying on someone local have a decent wireless connection unsecured. however you will also need to configure that wireless connection to accet JA I think (not 100% sure as it depends on router)
of course you probably know but what that involves is illegal and you are eaily traceable.
Alot of things rely on how good or tight your security is at college i mean it could be a joke
pertition might be the way