Post your signatures and avatars here.

 #9658  by Grimm
well u know i dont read the posts :] i just find the problem and answer it, sry for extra info :]

 #9664  by Starcomand
i have the set up for limewire pro 4.12.3 add me on msn and ill send you the setup file

 #9761  by Keritchi
RaVeN wrote:HOWEVER...if you dont want to upgrade try this for 7 (sry i just never liked 7)

Go to Start menu > Setting > Control Panel > Fonts

In the Fonts window

Go to File > Install new font

Locate font on your computer (if more than one select the ones you want)

Press OK, they will install into your system and when you next open Photoshop you will see them there.

A good program to use to browse your fonts if your anything of a font maniac like me if this Freeware program called The Font Thing ... 19711.html

Let me know if this works :)
This ended up working. Thanks Raven. :D


 #9764  by :Ferahgo:
i have made a sig but i dont know what to do with it from ere plz elp a poor ferret :cry:

 #9768  by Starcomand
u could store it on and then post the img link in ur profile so ones can then c the sig like ours

 #9788  by Kenshin
well heres the sig i made thx to ravens tutorial ^_^

 #9937  by Grimm
not bad but u have too much repetition in the background, use brushes like stamps, hit them once then change to another one. and u wanna get rid of the renderer's icon in the top right there, its not needed, nice job with the text tho
 #10115  by :Ferahgo:
can i do the same sig making with gimp

 #22131  by Akimoto
Grimm, regiister for free, they have the best renders
You don't need to put an real email when making your account. No email confirmation required!
Last edited by Akimoto on Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #22136  by Grimm
lol, doesnt really matter, theyve never sent me stuff

<Please dont cuss>

 #23596  by Shadow
o wow that helped me alot!!!! i made my first sig!!! its the one im using now... sry it sucks but its my first one so i guess thats ok