star, i dont think you ever leave your comp. back in the day, you were on the server 23/7 (1 hour for food)
and kio, every MMO today is trying to become the next WoW, its free bc it used to be ew and only like 25 ppl playing it. soon, im pretty positive, if it continues to grow with more ppl, they will have to put up a monthly fee for there servers and prosessers for the game withhold all of the players. thats why WoW is so big, they need $ to keep up there INCREDABLY LARGE GAME.
you may like FLYFF bc its cheap and fun, but if you would stop qqin about 12-w/e$ a month, and played WoW, you would realise how great of a game WoW realy is. so stop looking at it as a money pit, bc your cheating yourself of a great game.
its the best MMO ever created.
so stop the hating.
bc all of the mmos nowaday are following in the footsteps of WoW.