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PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 7:11 am
by Chantelle
Jeez I am no longer or are curently a member of UoL clan (sttod down and away) but well I know my sister still plays JA and stuff so hope this wouldnt damage any relations you have with UoL and such...

Magma has proved to be a clan hopper and a fickle member at least in the past.. His R tag is a probatory tag similar to your I tag.. I think its worth letting them know. As you appreciate any negative activity from a member can have a bad advertising effect on their clan..

Mind you I give really good odds on Magma being in another clan within a few weeks. He neevr stays long.

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 11:51 am
by Sidious
well this we be short givin im in a hurry but im not trying to blame anyone all im saying is the sitution is a lot less serious than you think, once again i know you think the whole *this is our territory* thing is terrible but b4 you do something harsh like ban someone try to understand what it might mean. Me and mag always do this, we find a spot on the map and we try to defend it for example the bar, what mag meant by this is our territory is simply that today were defending the bar and i know that everyone on the kr server that day would know that we stayed in the bar the whole entire time and tried to defend it. sry i cant say more right now but i will post later i have school.

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 4:50 pm
by Kakashi.Archive
Ok this might be a long post because i actually do have time.

Ok Sidious...
I didn’t feel that I truthfully wanted to post here cause it was saving me embarrassment on behalf of what you called me and said to me!

But now the truth shall come out!
Sidious wrote:I’m not breaking the rules
Phoenix wrote:
(2):Swearing is not allowed on the server.
(3):Spamming is not allowed.
(6):Provoking any players on the server is prohibited and will result in an applicable punishment.

(Spamming): Chatting the same message over, and over again, or posting on nonsense.
Well interesting Sidious.... In just one thing i can think of you broke not 1 not 2 but 3 rule...

Calling someone GAY would be
1. swearing/ being sexist
2. saying it reputedly to me would be spamming
3. you continued after at least 5 warnings. One warning and i could have automatically silenced you, yet being the nice person i am decided not to.
4. Calling someone GAY is harassment/ a hate crime.

Sidious wrote:when you tell me to stop I stop
Another interesting thing...I believe as I just said I had given you 5 WARNINGS!!!! but continued on calling me sexual terms/ being perverted.
Also the fact that you had said something about Delev, and how u don’t speak retard…its funny u used almost the same line on me…
Sidious wrote: Sorry I’m not fluent in Gay.
Sidious wrote: Sorry I’m not gay like you
Many more varieties you said this.
Sidious wrote: I don’t lame
Interesting yet again...I believe I’ve warned you multiple times NOT TO LAME.... And dont listen.

Phoenix wrote:
(1):Laming is not allowed. Laming is the attacking a player who has their saber down, or their chat up. Melee counts as a saber.
I believe you understand....

this is the process that I went through for SEVERAL days with you
Phoenix wrote: (1st violation):Verbal Warning

(2nd violation): Verbal warning and slap.

(3rd violation): Verbal warning and sleep.
I was accused by YOU that i was admin abusing... i was being stupid and warned you 3 different times then finally used admin...i was being nice and not following that part of the protocol. Only because i found you as a friend...and felt like giving you a chance.... But you can only give so much.
Phoenix wrote: (4rd violation): Appropriate admin actions taken hereafter (Further sleeping, kick and ban etc).
I never kicked you up until the past few days, but I could have due to protocol.


You and magma were on the server several days ago...and i believe pho has already checked the logs if not i will give him exact times cause my KT recorded those EXACT times.

I warned you and magma about saying the racist word
and I quote
Sidious wrote: "You nig--- brother Magma"
(I edited this due to the fact I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.)
I believe that the word "Nig---" would be a profanity... and as Raven had told me I should have automatically silenced you for this. Saying ANY AND ALL racist comments is NOT TOLERATED IN KR... You were once part of KR and fully are aware of the rules Sidious. I don’t think I needed to keep telling you to stop... and again I warned you 3 times before taking action. (Stupid me as Usual)

Sidious wrote: But the other day he was laming and flaming and I just wanted to get him back not by laming or cussing but by just annoying him and that’s it. I wasn’t on a mission to get any of the KR members just that mumble guy.
Sidious I was on that day… He didn’t do a thing, I’ve been watching everyone that comes on to KR lately, seeing we have had many other complaints going on.
Phoenix wrote: The bottom line is, you directly insulted one of our members
Pho I hope you don’t mind me changing this a little bit… But you actually directly insulted 2 if not more clan members. Let alone several complaints I got from outside people. (Sorry Pho I completely forgot about screens as usual…)

SilverCloud has helped edit this post and believes Kakashi is in the right… Wow, typing in 3rd person is fun ^^
Id like to say that I was one of the main reasons you got banned because I finally said something and had Enough of your mouth, insults, laming, and violence.

I truthfully feel no need to go any further but will if need be. If you EVER and I mean EVER mess with any of my fellow KR’s there will be very harsh consequences. I don’t care anymore what u called me but when you’re talking about my KR family as u have like Raven, and Silvercloud I become part of this more than ever.

Thank you for all your time those that read this..

Silver will probably post later to clarify that it was not me who did the above post that she made!

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 6:41 pm
by Kenshin
while wer eon the terms of eh.. i dunno..
heres a screenshot the day after magma was banned
or was it day? it could have been a few hours.. cant really rember but heres a screenshot after he was banned


PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 7:15 pm
by Starcomand
for the record was me that banned both of you sid and magma not chris we had given you enough chances to behave and you didnt so as you both know being former KR members you where both banned from the server

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 9:48 pm
by Sidious
ok im not trying to say that kak is a liar because believe it or not he is still my friend and it hurts me to see him say that about me. I know that what i have said to kak in the past is bad but the thing is i stopped, unlike me and mag kak doesnt joke around like we do, i never i mean never deliberately went out of my way to hurt kak and kak im sry if you think im out to get you cause im not. Now what kak said about me being a lamer is a lie i never lame at the server and the only time i did is when someone ghosted in me and wouldnt let me move, i asked them nicely to get off me and then asked them again, this made mag mad so he started kicking them and i pulled out my saber to hit whoever mag was kciking (i cant recall who it was but i think it might have been kenshin and kak) because he started to kick back and then as soon as a i swang i was hit with a amsleep and warned for laming. that is the one and only time i ever supposedly lamed. As for the whole Nig... commment went, i hope you know that i myself am an African American and as to my beleif magma is as well. This might seem wierd to white people but when i call him a nig... i mean nothing racist by it at all, its just how we say for example *dude or buddy*. Ok when i said delev was laming and flaming, i was referring to the other day on the uol server and not on kr. i realize now that delev migh not be the same person but the reason i thought it was, was because he was saying all off the same stuff as before. He talked just like him and fought exactly like him so i whole heartedly believed it was him that i was talking to. Once again m sry kakashi for the mix up but i really dont have anthything against you and now i know that i need to stop fooling around even if i really dont mean anything by it. I hope that you all can see that im sincere and that i really dont want to be banned from my favorite server. SORRY!! for all the disturbance that i have caused but i just hope you can see that i really dont have bad intentions for anyone in kr.

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 9:59 pm
by Kakashi.Archive
#1 you did lame and i wasnt talking about the time i ghost into you and hugged u for an fyi i was trying to get out of you but my binds were screwed up and then u started to attack me with magmas help and kicking me... kenshin truthfully had nothing to do with that... i tried to unghost almost as soon as i hugged before u even said anything. But to that fact u also said to kenshin

"stop grabbing my weiner" if im correct.

#2 And im holding back so badly on this one. but no i wont forgive you... because to me your only saying srry so you can get back on he server. you trully not srry, and as of the like third day of you calling me gay im no longer your friend.

#3 As for the warnings for saying "nig---" you now its a swear/ racist comment. wiether your black or not doesnt mean anything. Its nt a joke and if someone had been on the server that was black they might have been HIGHLY offended.

#4 I had ppl leaving the server because of the way u acted. thats totely unfair to them because of the nasty and hurtful things u said.

PostPosted:Fri May 18, 2007 10:58 pm
by Tidus
i agree to all of KR posts and for mag and sid, i warned u both u mocked me
you put urselfs in ur current positions(banned)
Maybe you should learn the word "STOP" then life would be much better for you two


PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 12:27 am
by Sidious
ok kakashi im sry if you dont think im actually sry and that im only trying to get back on the server. the truth is i do want to get back on the server so that i can apologize and explain everything right then and there instead of doing it on the forum. this might sound wierd and maybe some of you feel the same way but to me i feel like the only way i can truly explain my self and apologize is by doing it face to face on the server that way if you have a question i can answer it right there, instead of doing it this way. As for the laming i dont want to keeo arguing but i really dont lame at all, and i dont recall another time that ihave lamed except for an accident during an ffa and even then i would say sry. I lamers and i dont like people who ruin the fun on servers and i realize now that not everyone gets a laugh from what i might think is funny and im sry. not everyone is like me and mag and once again im sry if i ruined your experience on the server its just that im trying to have and i never took a step back to realize that you might not think what im saying is all fun and games. To me i just like to have fun im usually never serious, im all about just gettin a laugh or two and i never wanted anything that i said to trun into what it is now, i hope you can forgive what ive done because i really didnt do it to make anyone mad. Now i am serious and i all iwant you people to realize is that i dont mean harm.

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 1:00 am
by Tricky
Perhaps I'm being a bit naive, but isn't the point of being on the KR server to have fun? If your way of having fun doesn't conform to the server's rules, then you're going to be bored. What would be the point of being unbanned then?

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 1:04 am
by Tidus
this is just my opinion but if he truely is serious,
i say we give him one last chance and let him try to earn his trust back
if he screws up then it would be his fault.
this is my opinion and im sticking to it :)

btw sidious if council does take my side on this ill still be mad at u for mocking me and for not listening to me. i tryed to keep u 2 out of trouble but you didnt listen.

for magma i warned him and he would say "OK" and then 5 mins later he continued. what i dont get really is i spend my time to make him something that really took me time to make (his skin) and then he treats every1 in the server like *cencored*...

i think magma should also get one last chance like sid...
once again. this is my opinion and im sticking to it.

~Ru :D

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 1:55 am
by Squall
Im sorry one of UoL's members (sorry past UoL) was involved in this. Ino raven contacted Mel about this, right thing to do. And sid was also a previous member...and wont be a current either.

Kr and UoL have alot of history together...and it used to be boldly directed at one another a long time ago. tbh with you insulting people on there own server is enough to make me go a bit nuts, i would expect this treatment if it was me in there position.

Im actually UoL's leader.. i have been for quite some time, i occasionally look at uol's logs to make sure members arn stepping out of line or admin abusing. i run a strict do my council. we allways have. i can say sid never stepped out of line when he was in UoL. magma well... magma did once i booted then came back..cant quite remember the details.

Anyway back on track. this has been put to a vote. Since UoL had no knowledge of this incident until recently we have suggested to ban/discontinue Magma's membership from UoL.

Please except my apologies on behave of UoL.

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 2:56 am
by Tidus
didn't magma join UoL like last week or something?

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 3:29 am
by Kakashi.Archive
Blade im sure i speak for almost all KR that apologies excepted....:) and its not your fault in anyway.

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 3:43 am
by Kenshin
i still dont see why you should pay for their stupid behavious blade :) there was nothing to forgive m8

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 7:56 am
by RaVeN
Blade, I want to thank you very much for your post.

That speaks miles for you and your clan towards us and shows depths of respect, which I appreciate.

We In KR accept your apology, however unneeded as it may be.
We only hold the player accountable for their actions, not the clan.

I hope KR would do the same if one of our members ever crossed your clan.
Again, I personally thank you.

PostPosted:Sat May 19, 2007 7:57 am
by Chantelle
Magma was allowed to join as a recruit.. similar to KRs I .. kind of like a probation period.. then after two weeks they are decided on whether they are to continue to become a fulltime member..

Magma has thrown up several reservations not reall from behaviour as I remember but he likes to just one day he will appear under a new tag.. then a week later he does another one..

PostPosted:Sun May 20, 2007 4:58 am
by Sidious
Most of kr knows that i can have fun without stepping outside the lines its just sometimes i get carried away and start syaing things that make some people upset. I never say the stuff i say to actually make anyone mad, its just that sometimes i cant tell if the other people are playing around with me or if there really serious. I hope that everyone can see, that i just want to be able to go on kr and show you all that im sorry and just hang out like i used to. KR is my favorite server to go to, it doesnt have the most people on it and it may not have the map i want but the reason i go there is because i like to be with the people there.

PostPosted:Sun May 20, 2007 2:55 pm
by Darfin
Sidious wrote:Most of kr knows that i can have fun without stepping outside the lines its just sometimes i get carried away and start syaing things that make some people upset. I never say the stuff i say to actually make anyone mad, its just that sometimes i cant tell if the other people are playing around with me or if there really serious. I hope that everyone can see, that i just want to be able to go on kr and show you all that im sorry and just hang out like i used to. KR is my favorite server to go to, it doesnt have the most people on it and it may not have the map i want but the reason i go there is because i like to be with the people there.
Thats very nice and all, but you gotta know your boundaries man. You gotta know when stop, because after a while people won't know whether its a joke or not.
I won't say that you deserved being banned, but I won't say you didn't deserve it as well. So let the big kids figure it all out (the council) and sit tight.

P.S. thanks a bunch blade. :)

PostPosted:Sun May 20, 2007 4:43 pm
by Tidus
amen to that brotha lol...
i agree with darfin

PostPosted:Sun May 20, 2007 4:49 pm
by Darko
t3h s3rvzor l0gz 0wnz3r3d yoo both


PostPosted:Mon May 21, 2007 4:00 am
by Sidious
the server logs really didnt say much, i explained everything in earlier posts, i do agree it looks bad if you dont know whats goin on.

PostPosted:Mon May 21, 2007 4:04 pm
by Darfin
Sidious wrote:the server logs really didnt say much, i explained everything in earlier posts, i do agree it looks bad if you dont know whats goin on.
Don't know whats going on?
-Were you being impersonated?
-Have the logs been falsified?
-Did everyone on the server suddenly begin hallucinating?

Because other than that Sidious, we don't care what was going on. Facts are facts and the logs speak for themselves. Sorry.

PostPosted:Mon May 21, 2007 4:52 pm
by Kenshin
dar is right.. it doesnt matter how it looks... the facts are facts.. joke or not

PostPosted:Mon May 21, 2007 4:54 pm
by Phoenix
I agree with Darfin entirely.

Sidious, the logs clearly state exactly what you said. Yes, I agree we maybe slightly naive when it comes to your 'motives' but even so I fail to see the funny side of this so called 'joke'.
Maybe if you hadn't insulted Mel (Silvercloud) directly I would be more sympathetic. But I regard all KR members like a family, one which you were once part of. I don't see how it can be a 'personal joke' as you said this behind her back. I also don't see how anyone could find that funny under any circumstances. This reason alone is enough to put me off unbanning you, anything you have to say you can say here, but I very much doubt you will be able to climb out of this hole you have dug yourself.

You have let yourself down, and for that I am truely sorry.
I have nothing more to say, the ban will not be lifted by my accord.
