Unsure of the rules? Look Here!

 #96016  by Jato
Reread and resigned

 #96326  by brainkillz
I have read and understand/agree to the terms and conditions.

 #96822  by Skullex
Read it, Understood it And Accept it :)
 #96873  by jackorak
I came, i saw, i read, i agreed

[lolpolz] 44:6

 #97230  by Mako
I read the rules and I agree with them!

 #97306  by noAFK
I've read the rules and I understand, i'll do myy best to do not violate them.

 #97344  by dariannt
I have read and understood the rules on page 1

 #97753  by Darth Rage
I have read and i understand the rules. i will do my best!

 #98271  by Sakito
i have read these terms and conditions and agree to apply to them
Last edited by Sakito on Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #98304  by Lurch
I have read and understand the rules.

 #98609  by Goddess
I have read and i understand the rules

 #98621  by Lurch
agreed and understood.

 #99038  by Color guy155
I agree to the terms and understand.

 #99160  by Itachi
I read ruels and i understand this rules

 #99468  by Yomi Sho-Ryu-Ken
I have read the terms and conditions and agree to apply to them.

 #99620  by Ninja-San
I agree to all the rules stated above.

 #99779  by Isoru
I have read the rules and I agree to the terms

 #99871  by ColbyPBreakdown
I have read and understand the rules

 #99913  by Fabian
i agree and understand the rules

 #100631  by Totodile
I have read and Understood these rules. I will follow them, and uphold them to the best of my ability.

 #100985  by ^Lol
I agree and understand these rules ;)
 #100991  by quickflint
I have read and agree to the rules.
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