Post your signatures and avatars here.
 #99143  by Sakito
Can someone please help me with my signature?

Its a picture of Tifa and i want it to say Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken on it

This is the pic: ... hart-1.png

The Text of the name... I want it to look like black and the outline of the letters is like glowing a little.... and in there before my name...I want it to like kinda of like appear first like fade in "I may be a girl" then that dissapears then this fades in next "But don't underestimate me" then that dissapears then Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken fades in

If anyone can help me with me signature ... I would really appreciate it (: Thank You!!!

 #99226  by Jato

I think this is what ur looking for <3

 #99227  by Jato
But on a more serious note id ask senbou

 #99229  by Key
I'll do it if I can find the time for it!

 #99230  by Key
I need more information though... for example:

Is there a particular font you would like?
What color "glow" on the text?
Did you mean to say you want the name "Tifa" in there as well?

 #99234  by Sakito
i want the letters to be like black in and the font i want it to be like a little bold and the outline of the letters glow..... (Fades in and letter outline glow(Cyan))--> I may be a girl <--(Fades out) (Fades in and letter outline glow (Red))-->But don't underestimate me <--(Fades out) (Fades in and letter outline glow (White)) --> Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken <--(fades out) Then back to the beginning -->

 #99238  by Kakashi.Archive
LMFAO jato.

 #99247  by Jato
At least kaka understands my humor!

 #99252  by Key
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken wrote:i want the letters to be like black in and the font i want it to be like a little bold and the outline of the letters glow..... (Fades in and letter outline glow(Cyan))--> I may be a girl <--(Fades out) (Fades in and letter outline glow (Red))-->But don't underestimate me <--(Fades out) (Fades in and letter outline glow (White)) --> Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken <--(fades out) Then back to the beginning -->
Alrighty, that's not a problem! Like I said, when I get some free time I'll see what I can do. Might be a while though!

 #99254  by Sakito
Thank You Key (: If I actually saw you, I'd give you a bag of Green Tea KitKat (:

 #99255  by Key
oh goody! my favorite!

 #99267  by Jato
......... I'll nod my head, pretend I understood what I just watched, and exit this thread :D

 #99270  by Kakashi.Archive
Jato wrote:At least kaka understands my humor!
sick twisted minds think alike x)

On a side note, key i might have a request for u for a sig after ur done with sakito's but ill hit u up on a l8r note.

Also awesome vid and i have a feeling this sigs gunna look awesome :D

 #99275  by Jato
Kakashi wrote:
Jato wrote:At least kaka understands my humor!
sick twisted minds think alike x)
Lol!! Too true!

 #99286  by Key
Kakashi wrote:
Jato wrote:At least kaka understands my humor!
sick twisted minds think alike x)

On a side note, key i might have a request for u for a sig after ur done with sakito's but ill hit u up on a l8r note.

Also awesome vid and i have a feeling this sigs gunna look awesome :D
Np Kakashi. Just going to be a SUPER busy month for me with finals and such... come Winter break I'll be free

 #99287  by Kakashi.Archive
Kkz no big rush :). and gl with ur finals! :o

 #99329  by Sakito
lol gonna set something temporarily till you're done key (: I'll bet when you're done with my sig.......people are gonna start worshiping you xD

 #99330  by Sniper
I can make you a temporary one until Key makes you an amazing one if you want?

 #99331  by Sakito
I'm good Sniper Thank You. (: You don't have to

 #99332  by Sniper
I already had one made for you :( Here it is if you decide to use it though xD I'm sure Key will show me up though :)

 #99337  by Sakito
well thank you sniper you did make it i think I'll use it until key is done (: