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 #99269  by jawfin
Clank wrote:Im asking a fav for the map duel/5 to be removed it makes me lag like crazy i mostly have on it 5-15 fps even so with wedge...not necesary asking for wedge to be removed...but duel 5 yes if any1 else agrees

 #99272  by Kakashi.Archive
Yea unlike ffa5, dual5 lags me like crazy for some reason. Id say its the lava but ffa5 doesnt do that for me. So idk.

Jawfin could you possibly tweek with that one darkish blue map, its like the catacombs or w/e. & add that into the rotation. IK a few ppl have talked about it and i personally like it as well. I also think its one of the less laggy if theres no npc but i could b wrong.

 #99274  by jawfin
Rift I think that is. It's a great map, but suffers due to no central area. I guess I could put all the spawn points down the bottom of it, where there are bigger flat areas.

I can take the lava out of Duel5, and make the ground safe. See if that fixes it for us with slower PCs.

 #99277  by Kakashi.Archive
yea rift! :D

 #99484  by MetaDragoon
about a minute ago we did a map change with about 10 people on and about 90% of them were like not this map again so may you take out this map (T1_danger) lolz

 #99487  by jawfin
Despite your faulty math, I've taken this one out of the loop.

It was also mentioned on server that most people, about 90%, wanted to see rift on the loop - so I'll work on that when I can.

 #99495  by Kakashi.Archive

 #99522  by jawfin
Rift is done and on rotation. This took over 8 hours of direct work due to the requests for it - so if you don't like, then, learn to!!!!

There's is also an Easter Egg in the map for Doctor Who fans :)

 #99526  by Clank
Kewl cant wait to play on it

 #100858  by jawfin
Newsflash - The KR Council can now read your minds, it's true. When you don't like the maps or the rotation the server is on you no longer need to post your thoughts here, because we'll just read it right off your mind, no worries. So, please complain to whoever listens, but there's no need to post here.

Oh wait, hang on...

 #100862  by MasterM
the only one I have a problem with is t2_wedge I think, with all the orange background. I don't lag, but there's no main area, or even any area at all for ffa/duels

 #100864  by jawfin
t2_wedge: FFA area is the roof above the hangar, reachable by grapple (obviously), jetpack (if you can find it and live) or the internal elevators.

 #100869  by Key
MasterM wrote:the only one I have a problem with is t2_wedge I think, with all the orange background. I don't lag, but there's no main area, or even any area at all for ffa/duels
You can turn fast-skies on which will eliminate the orange color. For me, the sky is black.

Edit by Jawfin because he didn't want to post and page throw >.<
/r_fastsky 1

 #100888  by MasterM
Jawfin wrote:t2_wedge: FFA area is the roof above the hangar, reachable by grapple (obviously), jetpack (if you can find it and live) or the internal elevators.
Yeah but it's not readily obvious or accessible. People log on , run around, see no one and leave. Also, newer players who don't know how to use grapple may have some problems if they can't find the elevator.

And key/jaw on the sky thing, I wasn't necessarily complaining about it, just using it as an identifiable feature of the map on case I got the name wrong. Thanks for posting the command though.

 #100911  by Clank
i have major lag at t2_wedge

 #100929  by Key
Clank wrote:i have major lag at t2_wedge

As do I, however by "lag" I mean graphic lag - my FPS drops to about 80 - 90, normal is capped at 125.

@MM, I believe the actual name of the command is "r_fastsky" or "r_fastskies", I can't remember.

 #100937  by MasterM
Key wrote:
@MM, I believe the actual name of the command is "r_fastsky" or "r_fastskies", I can't remember.
Jaw beat you to it :p
Last edited by MasterM on Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #100987  by Key
Yes... I saw ;_;... anyways, on topic, there are a few other things you can do to lower graphical lag - I'll have to search through my scripts to see if I can find the settings... I'll get back to you on that.

 #101160  by Falcon
Okay, so due to an enormous response of "I hate this map" and "I lag so bad on this map", Wedge has been removed from the rotation.

Also, I've set FFA3 (Tattooine) as the first map to load. Plan configs accordingly :)

 #101170  by quickflint
Key wrote:
Clank wrote:i have major lag at t2_wedge

As do I, however by "lag" I mean graphic lag - my FPS drops to about 80 - 90, normal is capped at 125.

@MM, I believe the actual name of the command is "r_fastsky" or "r_fastskies", I can't remember.
What is the refresh rate on your monitor?

 #101173  by jawfin
quickflint wrote:
Key wrote:
Clank wrote:i have major lag at t2_wedge

As do I, however by "lag" I mean graphic lag - my FPS drops to about 80 - 90, normal is capped at 125.

@MM, I believe the actual name of the command is "r_fastsky" or "r_fastskies", I can't remember.
What is the refresh rate on your monitor?
Whist I appreciate a minor deviation in the thread, I think that last question is *way* off topic.

Edit: And typically I land the page throw despite my efforts to avoid such