Unfortunately Fazzy, I'm not sure how up to date that is. As a point of note, the latest additions to that page seem to be Vincent and Shenron, and they haven't been with the clan in a while. Also, the file on the server for my skin is still my old reborn skin that I no longer use anymore (and you can get my new skin
here ).
However, we do have a topic that should be up to date so long as you go through the proper channels to do so. That topic is
here . As you can see on that topic,
Jawfin is now in charge, and has been in charge since I left. If you just send your skin, or a link to your skin to him, he can update. Or possibly me since it's my topic, but start with Jawfin as I would need to ask Council if I could still do that since that topic was made before I left the clan
So, short, sweet, and to the point. Use that topic, I made it for a reason
All the rules for getting your skins up there are on the topic, and if you ever lose that link, just look for the big shiny sticky that you see everytime you come to this part of the forums. I was just awesome like that