Before scrolling to the download link, please read the post 
I have been working on this project over the past few years/months. Today is the big day when I release the first true Beta.
This map is really big so don't get so disconcerned at first. I designed it to be big, fun, FPS saving, and inter-connectable.
if you find anything unusual, odd, a bug, texture misalignment, etc that you please post it (with a screenshot preferably). I also ask if you can think of anything that might be better changed, altered slightly, or something added please tell me.
/devmap GJPBeta1
select Grand Jedi Palace Beta 1 in "Create Game"
For space saving purposes, I made a video instead of screenshots:
Download Link:
(note: the *Locked* room is the NPC room. you can open it in the admin control switches area.)
I'm considering changing it's name to Grand Academy. Tell me what you think about that idea
If possible, please provide feedback, questions, etc

I have been working on this project over the past few years/months. Today is the big day when I release the first true Beta.
This map is really big so don't get so disconcerned at first. I designed it to be big, fun, FPS saving, and inter-connectable.
if you find anything unusual, odd, a bug, texture misalignment, etc that you please post it (with a screenshot preferably). I also ask if you can think of anything that might be better changed, altered slightly, or something added please tell me.
/devmap GJPBeta1
select Grand Jedi Palace Beta 1 in "Create Game"
For space saving purposes, I made a video instead of screenshots:
Download Link:
(note: the *Locked* room is the NPC room. you can open it in the admin control switches area.)
I'm considering changing it's name to Grand Academy. Tell me what you think about that idea

If possible, please provide feedback, questions, etc