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 #90979  by Clank
Dawwww only thing i hated,i got an advertising. -_- CSI : miami

ooooohhhhhhhh such a cute cat,now lets shoot it down,because each minute passing by,we are loosing money.

 #90983  by Mandalorian
LOL alex, i got the same ad.

 #90986  by MasterM
Cat: Pass me the ball bro, I'm wide open and the keeper is just standing around! Oh I'm being subbed? No! I'm going to sit right here until i feel like leaving! Ooh catnip! *runs toward sidelines*

 #91075  by Clank
hmmm,not much of a fan of portal.

i played it once,beat them both,but then when i started again,it was kinda boring,cuz i knew how to beat each chalange and stuff.

 #91077  by Arcanine
Alex wrote:hmmm,not much of a fan of portal.

i played it once,beat them both,but then when i started again,it was kinda boring,cuz i knew how to beat each chalange and stuff.
i am not the fan of PORTAL as well but i wanted to play after i hear that song but still it Worths to play

 #91082  by Mandalorian
Portal is an amazing puzzle game, there is not a single puzzle game that can beat it. And yes, it might get boring if you beat it a couple times, unless you download alot more maps and expansions for it :P

 #91083  by MetaDragoon
well death beat portal 2 the night he got it and that night was on his birthday lol

 #91087  by deathscyth
yes yes i did it is amazing game fun and all i have a 1 and 2 favorite thing on portal 2 is jel