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 #87316  by Buffy's Shadow
Knights of the Old Republic


Dramatis Personae:

Revan: Jedi Knight (Human Male)
Bastila Shan: Jedi Knight (Human Female)
Carth Onasi: Republic General (Human Male)
Vandar Tokare: Jedi Master (Unknown Species Male)
Vrook Lamar: Jedi Master (Human Male)
Zhar Lestin: Jedi Master (Twi’lek Male)
Nomi Sunrider: Jedi Grand Master (Human Female)
Vima Sunrider: Jedi Knight (Human Female)

Description: Months have passed since the marriage of Jedi Knights Revan and Bastila Shan. In the time since the apparent end of the Sith Lords on Malachor V, peace has spread throughout the Republic. As the wounds from the Jedi Civil War begin to slowly heal, a new threat appears that threatens to tear apart all that the Jedi have fought for.
Across the galaxy, Jedi are being murdered. In a shocking turn of events, Revan is given the blame, and when the Jedi Council moves to exile him, he and Bastila flee, determined to discover the truth and clear their names.
But things are not going to be so easy. The Republic military, officially allied with the Jedi Council, have begun a galaxy manhunt for the two fleeing Jedi. As Revan and Bastila race against time, the mysterious murders continue with hesitation, and Bastila’s unborn child may be the next…
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 #87386  by Buffy's Shadow
Alright ,here's the prologue to kick things off!

The night air of Coruscant was as calm as one could expect, with the constant sound of speeders and busy nightclubs continuing at a steady pace. The streets were ablaze with various species either coming or going in any direction. Every now and then a small scream would erupt from some back-alley, but it was quickly drowned out by the sound of the crowd.
Walking down the street at a calm pace, Virdea Tal pulled her tunic a little tighter around her head. She had been down here for days, and she was nowhere closer to finding out where her query was. However, this time the mission had a personal attachment to it. The being in question had killed her Master, and Virdea had vowed to bring the murderer to justice.
As the neon lights of a nearby sign glowed down on her tunic, she could sense that she was being followed. It was subtle, with hardly anything to be noticed unless one had been trained in the ways of the Force. Picking apart the thoughts of the beings behind her, she found her easily. At least knowing the gender of the killer would make it easier to narrow down. Turning down a darkened alley, she could feel the slow rising anticipation in her stalker’s heart. Whoever she was, she had killed before, and was looking forward to it again.
As the alley came to an end, Virdea pulled back the cloak around her head and reached down to her belt to retrieve her lightsaber. Before she could feel the steel in her hand, a cold rush overtook her entire body, like a sickness. She fought desperately inside to free herself, but her body refused to move even an inch. And walking down the alley, a figure cloaked in black was sniggering.
“It’s no use in fighting it. The ancient Sith made sure they had a spell that would work regardless of their foe’s skill in the Force.” She said, stopping almost directly in front of Virdea. “Lucky for me, isn’t it?” Virdea didn’t respond, and she almost wished that she could run away, run back to the safety of the Temple. And yet, that wasn’t possible now. And there were no other options available at the moment.
“I don’t think I bothered to say hello, did I Jedi? How rude of me. Well, I did learn from the best smugglers in the galaxy, so I suppose my manners did suffer to some degree.” She continued, pulling a small virbro-blade from her pocket and tossing back and fourth between her hands. “Don’t look so surprised. After all, everyone with half a brain fears death in some way. Why would Jedi be any different?” Virdea mentally kicked herself for giving away any sign of fear. That had been the first thing her Master had taught her, never show your opponent fear. They would feed on it, use it against you.
“You know, I used to be a Jedi once. I failed at it sadly, went to war, fell to the Dark Side and all. You know how it all goes.”
“And you know what?” The woman said, stabbing the virbro-blade through Virdea’s chest and puncturing her heart. “He never even remembered my name. But then again, why would the ‘all mighty’ Revan remember anything from his past?”

 #87404  by Mandalorian
Hope you continue making these stories emp, great job :)

 #87410  by Clank
you have a talent TEH (its not emp its TEH) dont u ever forget about it,drop it,give up,get bored off it and most inportant DONT STOP POSTING THIS DO YOU UNDERSTAND DONT STOP EVAAA

 #87439  by Buffy's Shadow
Thanks for the comments guys, here's the first chapter!
Chapter 1

As Bastila continued sleeping peacefully beside him, Revan couldn’t shake the dream out of his mind. It hadn't really been a dream, but more of his memories returning. More images of shattered worlds, and broken lives. And he had been the cause of it all. Their blood was on his hands, and no matter what he did, he would never be able to completely wash it all away.
Hearing a soft rustling outside, he considered getting up and going to check out what was the cause behind it, but as Bastila pushed herself against Revan’s side, looking for more warmth, he banished the thought from his mind. She was close to eight months pregnant now, and she was as jittery as she had ever been. She worried about how he looked, how he acted, and how he felt. She knew the memories were returning again, and she did her best to comfort him.
Across the room, HK-47 sat deactivated, a blaster rifle still locked in his hands. The droid had grown bored in the past months, and it showed in how much more blood-thirsty he was now. Bastila had tried to convince him several times to deactivate the “wretched machine”, and dump it in the storage room on the Hawk. She had never liked the droid, and had always been unafraid to voice her opinions on the subject.
Things had been relatively calm over the past few months. The Sith remnant still reared it’s ugly head here and there, but nothing major had occurred. No super weapons, no ancient races, no maps, and no Sith Lords. Perhaps that’s why things seemed so... strange. He and Bastila had fallen in love during the middle of a galaxy spanning war. Peace seemed like such a foreign concept.
Hearing a small yawn in his ear, Revan looked over and met his eyes with Bastila’s. She smiled softly at him, and as he smiled back, she gave him a small peck on the cheek.
“More nightmares?” She asked calmly, pulling her body into a more relaxing sitting position.
“Yes.” Was Revan’s only response, and the word was filled with dread. He was still trying to forget the images he had seen. And yet, as he felt a familiar presence in his mind, he let his brain bring the images back to his immediate thoughts. He heard Bastila gasp silently, and then all was silent in the room, with only the sounds of the night-time traffic of Talravin’s capital city echoing across the walls.
“They’re getting worse, Bastila. I don’t know if I can take this much longer.” Revan finally said, breaking the silent tension that had filled the room moments before. “The past few months, these memories have been tearing me apart.”
“Those memories, they don’t belong to you. They belong the Darth Revan, the Sith Lord who died at the hands of his apprentice. That’s not who you are anymore.” He could hear the truth that was behind her words, and as Revan wrapped his arm around Bastila, he kissed her on the lips, and the two of them remained locked in that embrace for what seemed like forever. Finally, Bastila pulled away, and as she stood up, she wrapped a robe around her pregnant body. His eyes followed her out of the room, and then he closed them and tried to go back to sleep.
Keying in the code to the apartment, she walked in and watched as a shadow sprang across the room. She sighed, and, pulling the vibro-blade from her belt, she threw it with deadly accuracy at one of the opposing walls. Flicking on the lights, she smiled as Dotv stood there, looking like a child caught with his hand stuck in the blue milk container.
“Uh, hey Anarra” He said, nervously stepping away from the wall as she approached him.
“Hello Dotv. The information, now.” She responded, ripping the blade out of the wall and sticking it back onto her belt. She had hired him months ago, and he had constantly delivered information that was key to her mission. She had been forced to kill the other Jedi tonight, and she knew the blood from the woman's heat was still stained against the steel of the blade that was now holstered on her belt.
“Uh, yeah sure. I’m close to having complete access to the Jedi’s archives. Their encryptions are challenging, even to me. But I also enjoy a challenge.”
“That’s why I pay you Dotv, you provide me with such good information and company.” Anarra said, unhooking her belt and setting it down on a small table next to her. She had chosen not to carry her lightsaber with her, and had left it here in the apartment. The less attention she attracted from the local gangsters and warlords, the better. The more attention from the Jedi though, that was a different story. She wanted them to come after her, and she would slaughter each Jedi they would send until the one that she wanted appeared. Even if that meant going through every single Jedi in the galaxy.
“Now, about the credits…”
“They are already being fed into your account as we speak. No need to worry.” Anarra replied, walking into her room as she slipped off the tunic that was wrapped around her body. Things had gone perfect tonight, and as she passed her bed, she threw another lightsaber onto the pillow along with her own. She had gained another trophy, and another Jedi was gone. The galaxy was already becoming a better place.
The sun peeked through the curtains, and as she opened her eyes, Bastila could feel the warmth that Talravin’s sun had been praised for. She hadn’t remembered it as child, although she remembered how cold a ship had felt when she had been given to the Jedi. Rolling over, she gazed up at the ceiling. Outside the room, she could hear Revan moving around, and she wondered what time it was.
“Morning pup.” She heard Revan say as he wandered into the room. He was already dressed, and the sun cast some light on his brown Jedi robes. There was a certain gleam in his eyes as he looked at her, and she smiled at the gesture.
“Morning” She responded, yawning a bit as she sat up in bed. Leaning back against the wall behind her, she absent mindedly ran a hand through her messy hair. On the night-table beside her, her lightsaber laid in it’s usual spot, next to where Revan kept his. “You got up early.”
“Actually, you slept in. I decided just to let you sleep.”
“I’m pregnant with your child, I’m entitled to sleep.” Bastila replied, giving Revan a sarcastic smile that she had learned from him. He returned it, and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek.
“Tell me, how did I end up being married to someone like you?” He said, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes.
“I ask myself the same question every day.” Was her response, and as she leaned in to kiss him, she heard the comsystem ringing in the background. Groaning, she leaned back against the wall once again. Out of all the times for someone to call us… She thought to herself as Revan disappeared from the room. A few minutes later, he returned, the smile on his face gone, and now replaced with an emotionless face.
“That was Master Zhar. The Council wants to speak to us on Coruscant.”
“About what? They know we’re married, so it can’t be about that.”
“I don’t know. But the message seemed pretty urgent, so I think we’d better set out. I’ll call T3 and get him to start the pre-flight preparations.” Revan said, clipping his lightsaber onto his belt. “Do you need any help packing?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Go.” Bastila replied, throwing the covers off her body and walking over the closest on the opposite side of the room. From the window, she could see the Ebon Hawk docked on it’s usual pad, and upon hearing the engines beginning their cycle, she smiled a bit inside. Although they were leaving Talravin for awhile, they were still going to be somewhere that felt like home, the ship that had taken them halfway across the galaxy and back.
They were, indeed, going home.

Yep, Anarra is back! :twisted:
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:32 am, edited 4 times in total.

 #87441  by Mandalorian
HK-47, ftw! oh and MOAR :)

 #87463  by Zabuza

 #87506  by Buffy's Shadow
Chapter 2

The skies of Coruscant parted as the Ebon Hawk came down into the atmosphere. Below it, the spiraling city that stretched across the entire planet looked as it always did. The speeder traffic was constant, the buildings stretched and took refugee among the clouds, and on the streets below, average everyday people were coming and going.
“Looks like everything’s the same was we left it.” Revan said aloud, his attention focused on approaching the landing pad near the Jedi Temple. Behind him, T3 beeped in a modest curiosity at how his Master was doing, while off to the side of him, Bastila continued to monitor the engines’ capacity.
“It seems strange that the Council would call us halfway across the galaxy just for a simple meeting.”
“Since when has the Council ever made a single shred of sense?” Revan responded as he brought the ship down on top of the landing pad. A few attendants were already approaching the ship, and as Revan unbuckled himself from the seat, he extended his hand to Bastila as she herself stood up. As they walked through the hull of the ship and down the loading ramp, a few Knights had also arrived to greet them, among them Juhani and Yuthura Ban.
“Well, they really turned out the welcome mat to us, uh Bastila?” Revan whispered in her ear, gesturing with his head towards the array of people that had come to meet them. She chuckled a little at the comment, and then turned her attention back towards the two Jedi Knights that they had originally met during their mission to find the Star Maps.
“Hello Juhani, long time no see.” Revan said as the Cathar approached them.
“The same to you, Revan. Hello Bastila.” Juhani replied, embracing Bastila in a short hug. As the three old friends walked through the crowd, it began to disperse as they approached the Council chambers. Juhani bid them farewell also, and walked off towards another part of the Temple.
They stepped into the elevator and as the door shut behind them, Revan could sense that the small thread of nervousness that was traveling through Bastila’s mind. Reaching out through the bond, he comforted her, and she gripped his hand a little tighter, the door opened, and they stepped out.
The Council chamber ahead of them was well lit, thanks to a skylight that reached into the sky above the Temple. As they stepped down the small set of stairs, Revan and Bastila were met with the current members of the High Council. Master Zhar, Masters Nomi and Vima Sunrider, Master Vrook, Master Vandar, Master Kavar, Master Vash, and the head of the Archives, Master Atris. As the two of them stopped in the center of the room, a hushed silence fell over the entire room, with all eyes regarding the two Jedi Knights standing before them.
“Masters.” Both Revan and Bastila said, as they bowed. The Masters continued to remain sitting in silence.
“Greetings, Knights Revan and Bastila. There is much we need to discuss.” Master Vash finally said, just as all light disappeared from the room. Looking above, Bastila noticed that the skylight had been covered over with something, effectively blocking any source of light throughout the entire room, except for the lights that surrounded the circle upon which she and Revan now stood. I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
“Throughout the galaxy, over the past few months that you’ve been away, numerous Jedi have either gone missing, or have been found dead. Or worse.” Atris said, continuing where Vash had left off. Inside his mind, Revan knew that something was wrong, as he heard the doors behind them swing shut, the sinking feeling inside his chest grew larger.
“A symbol was left at each location, often marked with….with the victim’s own blood.” An object was tossed down to the floor in front of Revan, and as he picked it up from where it had landed at his feet, he looked at the blue and white symbol, now stained with the darkening color of dried blood. He knew the symbol, it had been in his memories. It had been the symbol that had stood for his coming empire.
“I don’t understand.” Bastila spoke up, taking a step towards where Atris sat. “Are you trying to suggest that we had something to do with these murders?”
“Not you Bastila. Him” Atris spat back, with the poison in her voice drowning out any other emotion.
“More of your memories have returned, haven’t they Revan?” Vima said, a certain way that she voiced her words showing that she didn’t actually believe that Revan could do this.
“And these memories consist of things that you committed when you were the Dark Lord?”
“This is ridiculous, Revan would neve…” Bastila started to retort, before Master Zhar held up a hand to silence her.
“And how well do you know your new husband, Bastila? Do you know if his mind is stable, that he isn’t willing to slip back into the personae of Darth Revan?” Atris said, the anger in her voice still present. She hadn’t approved of their marriage, and she was still showing it now.
“Enough to know that Darth Revan is gone, now and forever.”
“So you say.” Vrook replied, having remained silent up until now.
“Whatever you’re thinking of trying, don’t.” Revan said, taking Bastila’s hand and taking a step back towards the exit, his eyes still trained on the group of Masters sitting before them.
“Revan, please. Just come peacefully.” Vima asked, standing up from her chair as a sign of respect. Behind her, the distinctive sound of a lightsaber echoed throughout the hall, followed by more. Within mere moments, the chamber was filled with the glows of lightsabers, the blue, green, purple, yellow, and silver blades casting shadows on everyone.
“We’re leaving.” Revan said, taking his own lightsaber into his hand. “With, or without your permission.” Beside him, Bastila ignited her blade, putting her back against Revan’s in order to cover all angles possible.
“If you will not come peacefully, then we will have to use force.” And with the end of Vash’s sentence, the blades in the room began to converge towards Revan and Bastila. As his blade filled the air with blue color, Revan prepared himself as the other Jedi continued to come closer and closer. As the first saber came within a foot of him, he struck. As his blade met its green brother, two more jumped into the fray, hoping that their numbers would be enough. Rolling under an attack, Revan pushed out with the Force, and as the two blades fell to the ground and disappeared back into the hilts, he jumped over Bastila and into another struggle. The Jedi were trying to capture Bastila gently, in order not to harm the child she was carrying. She, on the other hand, was showing them no such mercy, and as she struck out at her opponent’s leg, a scream filled the chamber as the Jedi fell to the floor, clutching the stump that had been his left leg.
We need to get out of here She told Revan through the bond, blocking an assault from another Jedi. Behind her, Revan leaned against her back, blocking one of his own opponents. Off to their flank, the Masters continued to sit, almost peacefully, watching the battle unfold. Vima still hadn’t sat down, and she seemed to be arguing with her mother over something.
See that switch over by the door?
Yes. What about it?
Bastila responded, dropping another Jedi as her opponent tried to get inside her flank.
I’m going to toss my saber at it. When the door opens, make a break for it. And with the end of his sentence, Revan tossed his saber at the panel. As it exploded in a shower of sparks and light, the elevator door slammed opened. Grabbing Bastila’s hand, Revan began to run towards it, calling his lightsaber back to his hand in the process. The other Jedi followed, and as one tried to jump over the two of them, Bastila chopped him in half right below the abdomen. Reaching the door, Revan slammed his fist into the down button, and as the elevator screeched down the shaft, he could hear feet landing on top of the elevator car. As a small hole erupted on the roof of the car, Revan ignited his saber once again, and waited. As a large piece of metal dropped down into the floor of the car, Revan stabbed his saber up through the metal above him. A small cry was heard, and then sound of a body rolling, followed by another scream that was cut suddenly short. As they waited in the silence, Revan and Bastila could hear the car screeching to a halt. When the door struggled to open in front of them, Revan forced open the door, and as he stepped through the door, he was met with nothing more than silence. Not a single person was in sight.
“You think they alerted the entire Temple?” Bastila asked, stepping behind Revan with her saber still activated and humming in her hands.
“Come on, let’s get to the Hawk, and then we can see what’s going on.” He replied, pulling a comlink off of his belt. As T3 beeped in on the other end, the two Jedi Knights began to run back towards the landing pad.
“T3, we’re leaving. Now. Get the ship ready, abandon all other system checks except the necessary ones. We’re going for a speedy escape.” As the droid ended the channel, Revan threw open the doors to the landing pad. As they ran across the walkway, the sound of moving hovercrafts appeared on either side of them. Not giving them any attention, the two of them continued to run towards the Ebon Hawk. As they reached the loading ramp and rapidly moved up it and shut it behind them, the sound of blaster bolts slamming off the hull of the ship echoed throughout the garage.
“T3, get us out of here!” Revan shouted up into the cockpit, as he and Bastila made a rapid approach on it. As The Hawk blasted off of the pad and into the skies above Coruscant, Revan took his usual seat in the cockpit. Behind him, Bastila started up the navicomputer, and as the blue screen erupted into an array of menus, she turned her head towards Revan.
“Where to?”
“What’s the nearest planet?”
“Nearest uninhabited planet.”
“Just set in the coordinates. We’re gonna have some ‘friends’ waiting for us in orbit. “ Revan replied, as the clouds disappeared from his view, and he was met with the blackness of space. And rapidly approaching were a small fleet of Republic cruisers.
“They’re set. We just have to wait for the drive to get ready.”
“One minute and counting.”
“Sith’s blood.” Revan cursed under his breath as Bastila buckled herself into her seat. A few ion bolts began to speed towards the Hawk, and Revan moved the ship to avoid them.
“Thirty seconds.”
Ebon Hawk, this is Republic Cruiser Noditk. Power down your engines and prepare to be boarded.”
“Fat chance of that.”
“Ten seconds.”
“We’re set!” Bastila shouted out, and as Revan pulled down the lever, the stars erupted into lines and the cruisers disappeared. They had made it. But where they were going, things could easily turn good or go bad. And with their luck, it would probably be the latter.
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #87509  by Mandalorian
I remember when i beat kotor 2 for the 30th time and i downloaded that mod that brought M4-78 back.... great story keep it up :D

 #87510  by Arcanine
Emp,i wanna ask you something,have you written a book and sold it in real? (sorry for the off topic i just wondered)

 #87513  by Buffy's Shadow
Growlithe wrote:Emp,i wanna ask you something,have you written a book and sold it in real? (sorry for the off topic i just wondered)
No i have not :P I've thought about it though

 #87518  by Arcanine
The Emperor's Hand wrote:
Growlithe wrote:Emp,i wanna ask you something,have you written a book and sold it in real? (sorry for the off topic i just wondered)
No i have not :P I've thought about it though
oh,all right then :P

 #87622  by Buffy's Shadow
Alrighty, here we go
Chapter 3

Easing back into his seat, Revan let a sigh of relief escape from his lips. They had made it yet again, and for now, they were safe. Looking over to his right, he saw Bastila sitting with her head covered by her hands.
“None of this makes any sense…” He heard her whisper, almost so quietly that he barely heard her. Unstrapping himself from his seat, he stood up and wrapped his arms around her. Both of them were silent until, finally, one of them tried to speak.
“It’s…” They both started at the same time, before they started laughing at what had occurred. Behind them T3, rolled into the cockpit and beeped in a questioning manner about what he should do.
“T3, go check the engines. Make sure we don’t have any damage from when those cruisers were firing at us.” Revan said, his manner turning serious once again. As T3 wheeled out of the cockpit and off towards his current task, Bastila stood up from her seat. Inside her mind, Revan could feel how uneasy she felt about what had just occurred not even ten minutes ago. Small drops of blood were splattered across the front of her robes, and she tried to ignore them.
“Revan…about what happened.”
“I didn’t do it, Bastila.”
“I know. You couldn’t. It’s not your nature anymore.” Bastila replied, taking Revan’s hands into her own.
“Bastila, I’m going to change our course to Kashyyyk. Zaalbar and Mission will stay with you while I try to find out who’s doing all the…” Revan started, before Bastila pushed her index finger against his lips.
“No. I swore that I would follow you to ends of the galaxy. We’re together now, and we always will be. For as long as the stars will shine.” She finished, quoting a line from their marriage vows. As she moved her index finger away from his lips, he leaned down and pushed his lips against hers. Returning the gesture, Bastila could feel the anxiety that she had been feeling only moments earlier disappear from her body.
Jedi’s blood, will they ever stop with those sirens?” Anarra said, peeling back the curtains to take another look at the streets below. Coruscant had descended into an almost state of panic hours earlier, and the military had been called in to calm the situation. From what she could see, Anarra knew it wasn’t working.
In the room behind her, she could see Dotv hard at work with his datapad. Ever since the Jedi Temple had gone on lockdown, his cracking of the Archives had been made even more difficult. Still, he had continued working diligently, and this fact made her respect him even more. He was defiantly worth the pay, and as a bonus, he kept her company, something that she had been lacking in during the previous years.
Reaching under the bed, she pulled open the hidden compartment that she had placed there months ago when she had first rented the apartment. Pulling out the battered holodisk, she looked around and then activated it. On the blue screen, she saw a young woman with brown hair, and beside her, a black-haired man, both of them wearing Jedi robes and smiling. Anarra stared at the image with emotionless eyes. Shutting down the holodisk, she stashed it back into its hiding spot, and tried to bury the memories back into her brain.
It had been years since that final battle above Malachor V, and yet, she could still smell the stench of burning flesh as Revan’s saber burned through her arm, and then the feeling of shock as her brain tried to make the remaining stub move, and yet the severed limb refused to respond. And then, the sight of Revan standing over her, that Mandalorian mask staring back at her. And she remembered how he had looked at her, and said “I’m sorry.”
“Fool.” She cursed under her breath, mentally beating herself for bring back those memories. The only thing that mattered now was find Revan, and making him suffer. The same way that she had been made to suffer after the war had ended. She had had nowhere to go, no-one to turn to, and nothing left in her, except hatred, the anger, and the need for revenge.
She hated him, oh how she hated him.
“Alright, this is it.” Revan said, pushing the lever back into its place, and within seconds, the white lines of hyperspace disappeared and were replaced with an almost blood-red planet. Staring down at it, Bastila momentarily let her mind wander, wishing for just a split second that she could know what was going to happen.
“Well, looks a lot like Korriban, in the color sense. Other than that, I’m not sensing any Dark Side energy.” Revan continued, turning his chair towards Bastila. “You sense anything?”
“No. It’s as if…there’s nothing there. Nothing alive anyway.”
“It’s an uninhabited planet, gonna have that feeling.” He replied sarcastically, and as he turned away, he felt a small box smash into the back of skull. Not with enough force to kill or mame, but just enough to get someone’s attention
“Owwww!” He exclaimed, turning just in time to see Bastila surpressing a small giggle. “What gives?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She replied, turning her attention back to the computer screens in front of her.
“Well, someone just tossed a box at me, and I’d like to know who it was.”
“Are you implying that I had something to do with it?”
“Well, I didn’t. Just take the ship in for a landing.” And with that, the conversation ended, and as Revan turned back to the ship’s controls, he muttered a strew of playful Hutt curses under his breath. Off to this right, Bastila silently laughed, continuing to try and hide it.
“Women.” Revan whispered under his breath.

As the Ebon Hawk came down into M4-78’s atmosphere, Revan couldn’t help but notice that Bastila was correct. There was an entire city stretched out before them, and not a single being in sight.
“Looks like you were right Bastila. There’s a city, and yet, no-one’s around. “
“Uninhabited planet, remember?” She replied, quoting what he had said earlier.
“That excuse might have worked on a planet like Rakata Prime, or Yavin 4, but this, this doesn’t make any sense. It’s as if someone built a city, and then packed up their stuff and left.” Just then, a wave of static erupted from the comlink, followed by the beeping of an astromech droid.
“Welcome to M4-78. The Originators wish you a pleasant stay.” A mechanical voice said, and as it stopped, the static stopped, and all sounds ceased from the comlink.
“The originators?” Bastila asked, looking towards Revan with a look on her face that said “What have we gotten ourselves into?”
“Beats me.”
“I just hope whatever is done there is friendly.”
“After Coruscant, rancors sound friendly.”
“I”VE GOT IT!” Dotv shouted, jumping up from his chair in celebration. As Anarra walked into the room, his attention turned towards her and he almost bounded over the furniture to get to her.
“I”VE GOT IT!” He exclaimed once again, before Anarra waved a hand over his body. He froze, and all limbs besides his head were unable to move.
“Now, tell me, in a calm fashion, what have you “got”?”
“Access to the Archives. I finally cracked the code!” He replied, the excitement in his voice still there despite his current situation. Waving her hand over his body again, Dotv backed away slightly as his limbs began to move again.
“Good work Dotv. You’ve been well worth the cost.” Anarra said, slipping her lightsaber into her hand. “Unfortunately, I no longer have any use for you.”
“Anarra, what…what are you doing?!” Dotv shouted, the excitement in his voice being rapidly replaced by fear.
“I’m sorry Dotv, but I can’t afford to have any witnesses. You’re just another loose end. I promise I’ll make it quick and painless.” She replied, thrusting the saber through Dotv’s heart. As he looked into her eyes, Anarra felt a small pang of guilt and sorrow as she deactivated her saber and watched the body fall to the floor. Walking over to the datapad that Dotv had laid on the table, Anarra flicked through the rapidly scrolling data, and then finally, she found what she was looking for. A Sith Holocron section. She smiled slightly, and as she entered the folder, usually only accessible by Jedi Masters, a wealth of red symbols passed by her eyes.
Oh yes, this was definitely worth the price I paid.

 #87659  by Mandalorian
What i like about your stories, is that you add a lot more personality to characters (Glares at T3...) anyways, great keep em coming :D

 #87666  by Clank

 #87812  by Buffy's Shadow
Ok, this one's a little short, but i'm still in the process of setting everything up in the story. Give it time, it'll get better! :D


Chapter 4

As the ship ended its descent down to the landing pad, the comlink remained silent. They hadn’t received more messages from anywhere on the planet, and for the most part, it disturbed Revan even more. Everyone here was either dead or gone. There wasn’t going to be any welcoming party here.
“Any readings on the atmosphere?” He asked Bastila, who was still crouched over a screen next to her.
“Nothing. This world is perfectly inhabitable. And yet, no-one’s here.”
“I know, glad to see I’m not the only one who finds this strange.” He responded, shutting down the Hawk’s engines. He left them on the usual stand-by function though, in the event that they would need to leave in a hurry. Experience had showed that this was what usually happened, going by his luck.
“Wait, did…did you sense that?” Bastila said suddenly, standing up in the process. The ship grew quiet, and then, faintly, a noise echoed in from the outside.
“Something’s out there.”
“Not for much longer.” Revan drew his saber off of his belt, and began down the hall towards the loading ramp. Bastila followed, although her saber remained on her belt. As Revan descended down the ramp, he noticed that the air was slightly thinner than what had been on Coruscant, but he quickly shrugged it off. At the end of the landing platform there was a small elevator and in front of it, stood some kind of deactivated protocol droid. As they approached it, it activated and stared at them with its yellow ‘eyes’.
“Welcome to M4-78, Master and Mistress. Is this your first visit to our planet?” It said, it’s only arm swinging dangerously, as if it was going to disconnect from the main body and fall to the floor. Revan and Bastila both stood at least several feet away from the droid, not knowing how stable it was.
“Um, yes?” Revan answered, his lightsaber still gripped in his hand.
“Would you like a map of the city then? They are free, and can be uploaded onto your datapad.”
“Yes, that would be fine.” Bastila said, answering instead of Revan. As the droid walked over to a small terminal, Revan clipped his lightsaber back onto his belt, and looked around at the city below. A hazy light green color stretched across the city, and for a minute, he felt like turning back and leaving. There was something wrong here, and yet, he couldn’t place his finger on it.
“Here you go mistress.” The droid said, returning the datapad back to Bastila’s hand.
“Can I do anything else for you?”
“No. That will be all.”
“Then I wish you a pleasant stay.”
Watching the glowing lines of hyperspace drift away, Carth felt like collapsing onto the deck of the bridge. After months of having been away, he had returned home to Telos. It looked the same way that it had almost a year ago. Dead, barren, and lifeless. But he knew that would soon change.
Someone above him had talked the chancellor into giving the go-ahead on the rebuilding of Telos. For almost two years, scientists had worked on ways to recreate the planet, and restore it to its former glory. And now, he was back. Leading the head of a Republic fleet assigned with guarding the planet while the scientists worked. Not the most thrilling job, but he had been through enough adventure in the past year to last a life-time. And between an ancient factory, a redeemed Dark Lord, and his son returning to him, he deserved a little peace and quiet.
“Commander Onasi?” Someone said from behind him. Carth still had trouble hearing that sentence. Long ago, Saul had told him that he would never rise above the rank of Lieutenant. And now, here he was, an older, and much happier man.
“What is it soldier?”
“The rest of the fleet is ready to start unloading the scientist’s equipment upon your command.”
“Tell them that they have the go-ahead.”
“Yes sir.” As he watched the younger man walk away, Carth was reminded a little bit of how naïve he had been when he had signed up. He smiled slightly at some of the memories that came to mind, and as he turned back to look at Telos, he knew everything was going to end up alright.

Although her eyes were begging for sleep, Anarra kept looking through the archives that passed up and down on the screen in front of her. She had already read all of the restricted sections of the archives, and yet, she knew there had to be something more in here. Something that would help her find Revan…
Bastila Shan…where have I heard that name before? She thought to herself, stopping the flowing information to read through the section that contained that name. There was only the basic information on her at this point, and as Anarra took a look through it, she stopped at the line “Spouses: Revan. Children: Eight Months Pregnant.”
“You unbelievable bastard.” She whispered, knowing that no-one was around to hear the insult. He had gone on, marrying some other Jedi, and now they had one on the way. It was an insult, it was…perfect.
Kill her, and I kill Revan’s heart. He’ll have no other choice than to come after me. Slowly, a plan was coming together. What better way to kill a being, than to strike at their heart? She could see the images in front of her eyes now, the Jedi woman lying on the ground in front of her, her body drained of life. And Revan, his emotions breaking inside of him, charging at her, lightsaber ignited and with the intention of the kill. And that would be when she would kill him. She would be the last thing he would see before she forced the life out of him.
It was, indeed, perfect.
Last edited by Buffy's Shadow on Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #87832  by Mandalorian
Nice :D moar though :P. keep the stories coming!

 #87915  by Buffy's Shadow
And with a bang, Chapter 5 is done. Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 5

The streets were abandoned, much as they had been when the Ebon Hawk had flown over them. But still, they had an echo to them, as if life had once existed here, had walked in the very spot that Revan and Bastila stood in now, and then that life had been forcefully ripped from their homes. It was unnerving to say the least.
What had happened here? That was the question on both of their minds, towering over the events of the past few hours. Had the Sith ravaged the planet like they had done with so many other worlds? No, if they had, the events would have most likely appeared somewhere in a holoprint. Something had happened here, something that no-one had ever seen before.
The light green mist that Revan had spotted earlier still hadn’t ceased, and yet, it held no danger. At least, not yet.
“It’s so…quiet.” Bastila said, her voice echoing slightly across the platform. “Not even ghosts would come here.”
“Easy, it’ll be alright. We’re just gonna lay low here until I can get some kind of plan worked out.”
“And if the Council comes after us?”
“I’m hoping that it doesn’t come to that.” His voice hid his uneasiness well, and the two of them continued down the street, walking past abandoned markets, apartments, swoop bikes, and finally, the broken husk of a T2 droid.
“Luckily T3 isn’t here, he’d probably want to give the thing a ‘proper burial’.” He continued, this time his tone slightly happy and jokingly. For once, Bastila didn’t laugh at the joke, and remained silent. One of her hands rested on her stomach, trying to sooth the negative feelings she felt coming from the womb inside.
“We’ve never discussed what we should name the baby.” She finally said, stopping and grabbing Revan’s hand. For the first time since the incident, her eyes contained a glimmer of happiness, its warmth so infectious that Revan himself felt a smile coming on. The feelings that he had felt for her since that moment on Taris when he had first seen her teetered on the edges of his mind, as they always did.
“We never found out if it was a boy or a girl.” Revan responded. He took Bastila’s remaining hand into his own, and just stood there, staring back at her.
“Still, it wouldn’t hurt to think of names now.”
“Hmmm, you’re right. How about….Vaner for a boy, and…Kera for a girl?”
“Those names sound perfect. Although, why Kera?”
“Just one of those names that flows off the tip of the tongue.” He replied, pulling her closer to him. She stared back at him, on the brink of asking another question. “Plus, it was my mother’s name.”
Shutting the door behind her, Anarra made sure that everything had been in the same condition as they had been for the past months. Minus a few pieces of furniture that she had selected to break in a fit of rage. She had to admit though, she felt better now after having smashed the chair into pieces.
“Excuse me, you’ll have to pay for your room.” The clerk said to her as she walked past. He was an older, Twi’lek, and she had seen him making eyes at her multiple times during her stay.
“Certainly. Just let me grab my credit pouch.” Anarra responded, reaching into her bag and pulling out her lightsaber. She activated it and stabbed upwards in one quick move. The Twi’lek barely had time to take his last breath before he fell to the ground behind the counter.
“Ah, it never gets old.” Looking around the lobby, and with no-one else in sight, Anarra stowed her saber back into her bag, and calmly walked out the door. From behind her, she heard the scream of the Twi’lek’s mate, and yet, she felt nothing inside. She knew exactly where she was going, and her emotions had all but shut down. Nothing mattered but finding out where Revan and his bride were, and making them suffer. And she knew just the place to go to get some transportation off-world.

The lower levels of Coruscant were positively a complete polar opposite of what anyone would have seen from the air. Rubble, and leaking water spilled across every inch of the walkway. Every now and then some creature would scatter across Anarra’s path and then disappear into the darkness. She wore his blaster at her side, knowing that it would automatically deter anyone who thought that they could easily pick her off.
Stopping, she looked up at the glowing sign that was only half-lite up. Pushing her way through the door, she walked calmly through the crowded bar, knowing that the person she was looking for was in the back room. Like he always had been, ever since the war. As she approached the door, a large hunter-killer droid stopped her, its blaster rifle gripped in its hand, and its non-emotional photoreceptors staring back at her.
“I’m here to see Chrola, he’s expecting me.” She said, pulling out a small micro-chip that the droid instantly recognized, and it quickly stepped out of the way. The room beyond it was dark, and as Anarra stepped into it, she pulled her hand a little closer to her blaster pistol. Knowing how much Chrola’s temper could flare up, she wanted to be prepared. After all, she was coming too close to finding Revan to get blasted by some two-bit criminal boss.
“Hello Anarra.” Chrola said, his features hidden by the shadows that filled the room. Although she couldn’t see hardly anything clearly, she knew that he would have at least a hand on his blaster. He hadn’t ever really trusted her, and she knew that.
“I need transport off the planet. To Korriban. And within the hour.”
“Within the hour. Hmmm, now that’s going to cost you.” He responded, stroking his beard.
“Cut to the chase. How much?”
“10,000. No less.” Was his response, and that was what set her off. Jumping over the desk, Anarra shoved her blaster into the area underneath Chrola’s chin. His eyes grew wide, and she heard his blaster fall to the floor.
“Now, how much?”
“I’ll have it arranged. Free of charge.” Grinning a little, Anarra withdrew her blaster and placed it back in its holster.
“That’s better. You’re a very generous man.” Walking out of the office, Anarra walked past the thinning crowd, and disappeared into the dark Coruscant night.
Inside the hull of the Ebon Hawk all was silent, except for the sounds of the engines staying on stand-by. HK-47 stood guard near the loading ramp, and for once in the past hours, Revan and Bastila were sleeping somewhat peacefully. There was no-one else on the planet, minus any active droids, and it appeared that there was nothing to fear.
Still, even with these thoughts in mind, Revan found it impossible to sleep. His eyes remained open, his arms wrapped around Bastila as she slept. Through their bond, he could sense that she was dreaming of what their lives would be like in the coming years. Peering into her mind, he saw images of a peaceful life on Talravin, with their child growing up, and becoming a Jedi Knight like he’s or her parents. It was a life she hoped would come true. But Revan knew that hopes and dreams could easily be washed away in a single blow, and he prayed that their lives wouldn’t come to that.
Slipping out of the bed, he covered Bastila’s body with another blanket, and then quietly stepped out of the room. Everything was quiet, and as he slipped down the droid service ramp, he felt the cold feeling of concrete beneath his bare feet. Stepping out from underneath the Ebon Hawk, Revan took a few more steps until he came to a stop at the edge of the landing pad. He looked down at the city below, and slowly became lost in his own thoughts.
Everything that had come before, the Mandalorian Wars, the Star Forge, and now the betrayal by the Council, did any of it even matter? Yes, he and Bastila were Jedi, yes they were married and happy, but what else mattered? They had saved the galaxy, and now, the Council repaid them by accusing them of being murderers, and attempting to capture them. The whole thing made Revan sick to him stomach. They had deserved to be left in peace, and yet, even now the Council was denying them this. There seemed to be no way that they could win.
And yet, he had heard that sentence before. No way to win. That’s what some of the Republic soldiers who had survived the early battles of the Mandalorian Wars had told him. That the Mandalorians were too well armed, too well prepared, and had superior numbers. An impossible battle. And he had known better. He had pressed them on, telling them that they could win the war. And in the end, he had been right. They had won, the galaxy made safe. And then, something had happened, out there. Something had made he and Malak fall. And now, those memories were missing, with no sign of them ever returning.
There were times he hated how his memories had been ‘stolen’ from him, and yet, he knew that without that single action, he wouldn’t be there at that very moment, with the love of his life sleeping peacefully on-board the ship, their unborn child safe. His life was far from perfect, and yet, he didn’t care. As long as she stood by his side, he would be willing to fight off anything or anyone who threatened them.
He just prayed that things would end the way that he and Bastila wanted them to.

 #87916  by Mandalorian
:o this one is longer lol keep them coming emp, we are counting on you. think of the children. (looks at alex.) *whispers:think of the children!*...

 #87926  by Clank
yeah you have to think about mand he likes reading your storyes and playing with action figures

and lol what would anara do just to get raven back xD

 #87936  by Buffy's Shadow
alex wrote:yeah you have to think about mand he likes reading your storyes and playing with action figures

and lol what would anara do just to get raven back xD
Anarra isn't trying to get Revan back. She wants to kill him.

 #87948  by Clank
well as i read a cuple of chapters before when anarra found out that rav is with bastila and gona have a baby sayd that shel rip the heart of raven that will bring him back

 #87954  by Buffy's Shadow
alex wrote:well as i read a cuple of chapters before when anarra found out that rav is with bastila and gona have a baby sayd that shel rip the heart of raven that will bring him back
No, no, no. You misunderstood. Anarra was already going to kill Revan before she found out about Bastila. Once she did know about Bastila, she just sees an opportunity to hurt Revan even more before she kills him.

 #87958  by Clank
oooohhhh that makes sence

 #88196  by Buffy's Shadow
Ok, the new chapter is coming a little bit slow, mainly due what i feel is a small case of writers block, in addition to me being busy re-rediting Courtship of Bastila Shan for fanfiction.net (5 reviews so far!). Don't worry, i haven't forgotten about you guys, and i'm working hard on getting the new chapter up and running! :)