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 #84047  by Shadowff61337
Hey it's me Shadow (you know... the other other Shadow... the one from JAWA). I wasn't sure where to make a rule-breaker report so... I thought this would be the best place (since I don't have a complaint against a admin :lol: ).

Rule Breaker's name:
(all black letters)

Rule(s) Broken:

Screenshots / Video:
He lamed me 3 times in the video. the quality is a bit bad but you can make it out. He runs around in a reborn model
(I was thinking about putting British chase music in the video..)

He pretty much just does RDFA-laming and Flipkick-off-cliff lames.
He lamed multiple people, multiple times.
When I asked him about him laming he said:
Strike: believe me it takes a lot of skill to be a serial killer

He was also told many times what laming is and not to do it by others. Mandalorian was the only admin on at the time but left during it. I am pretty sure there were no other admins on at the time.

BTW while im here someone named dopey raged at something :lol:
dopey!: without all the f a g g o t s like shadowman that f u c kin g n i gge r
dopey!: exit
dopey! disconnected

 #84056  by Eros
Thats some vocabulary.

 #84067  by Clank
i think i saw him and i think he changes his name all the time cant remember wich one he uses but ill keep an eye at strike if i see him on the server ill make a vid 2 with Xfire

 #84085  by Mandalorian
he speaks the truth, i met strike a couple times and still lames, i also think turtle had a fight with him (correct me if im wrong turtle)

 #84175  by Archaic
Hey, I make a cameo appearance in that video! Anyway yes, I remember that Strike character. He was mostly Red Dfaing from saber down to see how many kills he could get that way without dying. Once killed, he would go into spectator mode, and then reenter the game to reset his score. He seemed like one of those too big for his britches type of players that thought he was too cool for school. Mandalorian seemed to be dealing with him handedly, then after Strike was killed a few times in FFA he disconnected. I hope this helps.