Downfall – Story of The Undertaker
By: Undertaker (CJ Edwards)
Chapter One:
Kage's Rise to Power
Reference to the story (theme)
“Open the Darkness and into the light, I see the light, and I must Destroy it.” said the Arch-Mage Kage, as he looked over the view of the 4th Realm of Quaton. “Lord Kage, The Monster is almost complete.”
Whispered Necros. Kage looked at Necros with a vile look, cliched his fists and then began to walk to quarters door. “Necros, Save him for the beginning of my Reign, if we set him free now the realm will fall into chaos, begin to endow him with black magic.” “As you wish my lord.” Necros responded with Understanding. Kage walked back to his quarters away from the window. Necros walked into the next room where Kage's project was in full swing. Hawk, Technician and a Black Caster was then approached by Necros. “Hawk, we just got word from Lord Kage to begin the black magic part of the process, you may do what you do best.” Said Necros. “I have no problem starting, but I dont have the necessary mana to begin, the mana I have now will not even get through to him, it's not enough to control the beast” Hawk Explained. “That may be true Hawk but if we don't do what Master Kage says, he will kill us both.” Necros said nervously. “If that's true, we need to set out and find mana, I can tap into the ground and find sources, Black Magic is consumed through living beams.” Hawk Explained. “Good, we need to head outside and find that magic source, cause if we don't Kage will have our heads.” Necros and Hawk then started to make there way outside to begin the taping process on the ground, if successful, The Beast can be awaken. Hawk and Necros made there way outside the citadel to begin the taping process. “This is a piece of cake, the problem will be trying to find the living that would not sacrifice themselves.” Said Hawk. “if we find a source we must not let them know why, though the magic is paid by the living, there souls live on, and soul casters can see the spirits!” Argued Necros. “True, Kage is planning on turning the government system over, he will be in control, we shall tell them of slavery, and then kill them.” Hawk said eagerly. “Hawk....if were putting them into slavery then why would we kill them?” “Necros, it doesn't matter....” said Hawk Dashingly. Hawk charged up the arms with black magic and threw them into the ground. The Taping process had begun. Taping the ground then lead Hawk to a quiet little house on the side of the realm of the Callenways. “I found three sources, PLENTLY of mana to spare, they will be used to complete, The Kylpeto.”
Meanwhile at the Callenways
“What do you think is going on at the Citadel?” said Mark. “I have no clue Mark, but its probably no good.” stated his wife.
To be Continued
Chapter 2
There is no Escape
I like short chapters to build up suspense, i hope i did well, tell me what you guys think
By: Undertaker (CJ Edwards)
Chapter One:
Kage's Rise to Power
Reference to the story (theme)
“Open the Darkness and into the light, I see the light, and I must Destroy it.” said the Arch-Mage Kage, as he looked over the view of the 4th Realm of Quaton. “Lord Kage, The Monster is almost complete.”
Whispered Necros. Kage looked at Necros with a vile look, cliched his fists and then began to walk to quarters door. “Necros, Save him for the beginning of my Reign, if we set him free now the realm will fall into chaos, begin to endow him with black magic.” “As you wish my lord.” Necros responded with Understanding. Kage walked back to his quarters away from the window. Necros walked into the next room where Kage's project was in full swing. Hawk, Technician and a Black Caster was then approached by Necros. “Hawk, we just got word from Lord Kage to begin the black magic part of the process, you may do what you do best.” Said Necros. “I have no problem starting, but I dont have the necessary mana to begin, the mana I have now will not even get through to him, it's not enough to control the beast” Hawk Explained. “That may be true Hawk but if we don't do what Master Kage says, he will kill us both.” Necros said nervously. “If that's true, we need to set out and find mana, I can tap into the ground and find sources, Black Magic is consumed through living beams.” Hawk Explained. “Good, we need to head outside and find that magic source, cause if we don't Kage will have our heads.” Necros and Hawk then started to make there way outside to begin the taping process on the ground, if successful, The Beast can be awaken. Hawk and Necros made there way outside the citadel to begin the taping process. “This is a piece of cake, the problem will be trying to find the living that would not sacrifice themselves.” Said Hawk. “if we find a source we must not let them know why, though the magic is paid by the living, there souls live on, and soul casters can see the spirits!” Argued Necros. “True, Kage is planning on turning the government system over, he will be in control, we shall tell them of slavery, and then kill them.” Hawk said eagerly. “Hawk....if were putting them into slavery then why would we kill them?” “Necros, it doesn't matter....” said Hawk Dashingly. Hawk charged up the arms with black magic and threw them into the ground. The Taping process had begun. Taping the ground then lead Hawk to a quiet little house on the side of the realm of the Callenways. “I found three sources, PLENTLY of mana to spare, they will be used to complete, The Kylpeto.”
Meanwhile at the Callenways
“What do you think is going on at the Citadel?” said Mark. “I have no clue Mark, but its probably no good.” stated his wife.
To be Continued
Chapter 2
There is no Escape
I like short chapters to build up suspense, i hope i did well, tell me what you guys think