Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #76190  by MasterM
darn swedes always play around with their verbal jokes, even in war. (see AT-4 rocket launcher)
 #76193  by BadWolf
Akimoto wrote:
Nerf wrote:I do love their impression of us, Swedes.
Thats how I roll in the kitchen
wtf @ #1. Gibberish!
aki -.-

its the swedish chef from the Muppets, hes not supposed to be understandable through speech

the entertainment lies in the video's actions

also if you try hard enough and listen you can more or less make out what he says

 #76199  by Arcanine
Nerf,i love second one better,i am not going to tell why, u hafta watch it xD

 #76204  by Nerf
I love the swedish chef and some of whathe says is a bit swedish'y. :P

My fav is the popcorn one, 0:30 - 0:52.

Classic stuff, perfect for when u r tired after a long day.