I made this speech at Clan Night, but I'll make it again here for any that missed it 
For the past couple of months the Council has been slow in making it's decisions. This is due solely because of the inactivity of the members that compose it.
Now, don't get me wrong; Starcomand, RaVeN, Phoenix, Jawfin and myself still love this clan. It's just some of us have real life events that take us away from the server/forums at times. And as we will always tell you, real life comes before JKA.
This isn't fair to you, the clan. We've been unable to make decisions quickly due to our voting policy, and this makes a lot of members wait a great deal longer than they need to, most recently ViHawk.
So, that being said, we've elected a new Council member in place of Starcomand who is hardly ever able to make it on the forums due to his life being extremely hectic. Starcomand will be stepping down to Arbiter in place of a current Arbiter.
This person has been on the server AND forums nearly every day for the past 6 months (at least). He has been very loyal to KR, a strong and swift opponent, and above all, always treats his fellow clan mates and visitors with nothing but respect: a true leader.
I am of course speaking of none other than Fazz
Congratulations Fazz
I know you will make our clan proud 

For the past couple of months the Council has been slow in making it's decisions. This is due solely because of the inactivity of the members that compose it.
Now, don't get me wrong; Starcomand, RaVeN, Phoenix, Jawfin and myself still love this clan. It's just some of us have real life events that take us away from the server/forums at times. And as we will always tell you, real life comes before JKA.
This isn't fair to you, the clan. We've been unable to make decisions quickly due to our voting policy, and this makes a lot of members wait a great deal longer than they need to, most recently ViHawk.
So, that being said, we've elected a new Council member in place of Starcomand who is hardly ever able to make it on the forums due to his life being extremely hectic. Starcomand will be stepping down to Arbiter in place of a current Arbiter.
This person has been on the server AND forums nearly every day for the past 6 months (at least). He has been very loyal to KR, a strong and swift opponent, and above all, always treats his fellow clan mates and visitors with nothing but respect: a true leader.
I am of course speaking of none other than Fazz

Congratulations Fazz

The RaVeN wrote: