Based upon Command and conquer 3 tiberium wars.
( For those of you who are familiar with command and conquer 3 - 4s story line i would like to state that this is based on a non canon lore version of the aftermath of C&C3's " Bad ending for Gdi")
It has been many years since the alien crystal substance known only as " Tiberium" crashed into the earth changing all around it to become one with it transforming anything it came into contact with into more of the toxic substance, Ever since the world has been split on how to handle the tiberium " Shall we harvest its power? " " Shall we destroy it at all costs?" " maybe leave it alone? " however know the humans have waited so long and so patiently that the choice is no longer upon, This is no longer the earth of which we know... a world ruled by tiberium, After the tiberium began to spread scientists across the world began to identify the different zones that it called " Home" first you had the " Red" zones ... these areas of the earth consist of 30% of the planets surface were fields and fields of massive tiberium crystals inhabit the crust spewing toxic particles into the air killing any form of native life, people have only ventured into the red zones in time of severe requirement for tiberium now the only source of energy left on the dieing earth, Then we have the "Yellow" zones these areas consist of 50% of the earths surface, They are home to multiple remnants of humanity countless tribes and gangs warring for control of these shattered territorys... power rarely comes to these areas and the people are constantly plagued by tiberiums killer particles, Then last but not least we have the " Blue" zones... these consist of 20% of the earths surface and are the only areas left on the entire planet unaffected by tiberium and are home to the Global Defense Intiative the organisation that is the combined forces of the remaining nations of old, In the chaos that has engulfed the earth two super powers have risen from the ashs, The Democratic Global Defense Intiative whom believe in restoring the ways of old and defending the innocent occupants of the blue zones and render aid to some of the yellow zones, And the might Brotherhood of NoD who occupy a good bulk of the Yellow zones of Australia, Europe and Africa the brotherhood follow the prophet kane and crusade to rid the world of there GDI " Opressors", conflicts between these two super powers are common and has lead to the three tiberium wars the last war having a strange twist... An alien race invaded the earth seeking to harvest the tiberium but was beaten back by the uneasy Gdi Nod alliance, At the final battle of the third tiberium war the GDI commander was forced to use a " Liquid" tiberium bomb on the Alien command hub... Unfortunatly this was in the " Red" Zone of Italy were tiberium first appeared upon the earth, The chain reaction was so powerful that the entire of southern europe and north africa was devestated and 25 million lay dead in its wake, Now however in the aftermath of this war 10 years after it, a group of Gdi scientists are escorted by the military into the yellow zone of G-17 .... also known as Florida, The lead scientist james mitzunari has been forced to bring his daughter along.
Overlooking the desert like ground left in the wake of the tiberium cataclysm a gdi convoy is appearing over the horizon... A transport escorted by two orca attack fighters, As a tired rachel awakens to realize she isn't at home she asks " Papa? were are we going?" A tension ensues within the transport " Back into the yellow zones angel, Now sleep daddy will keep you safe" laying onto her fathers lap rachel slowly falls asleep peacefully, " When are we arriving at the evac zone?" The Gdi trooper looks back towards James and simply says " When the transport decides to move quicker" Chuckling away the trooper attends to his Railgun rifle " Funny... " replied james.
As the awkward silence ensues within the transport suddenly a rocking ensues the transport waking rachel from her deep sleep, " Hush baby its just turbilence" as james finishs his words another big bang hits the transport " Thats no turbilence" hastily said the gdi trooper " Were under attack! Battle stations!" zooming past the Gdi convoy in the distance NoD fighters are approaching the convoy, As they fire missile after missile the transport takes a hit to its left turbines... The transport is going down " Comon Devon you can do it! Land this hunk of junk! " said the captain, " Hold on tight! Were going in!" said the pilot, Before anyone on the craft knows it they have crashed into a tiberium field... No one has yet to arise from the smouldering aircraft... burning in a field of tiberium crystals... all of the sudden the transport door is kicked in... a gdi trooper is dragging rachel from the aircraft, Placing her over his shoulder and trying his best to get out of the tiberium field he places her upon a nearby rock for safety, Rushing back to save her father he is sucessful... Draging james and having rachel over his shoulder he realise's something... He is not alone there is someone... or something stalking them, placing them both on the floor he charges his railgun.... Lock and load.
Bit tired going to continue the rest later or tomorrow
( For those of you who are familiar with command and conquer 3 - 4s story line i would like to state that this is based on a non canon lore version of the aftermath of C&C3's " Bad ending for Gdi")
It has been many years since the alien crystal substance known only as " Tiberium" crashed into the earth changing all around it to become one with it transforming anything it came into contact with into more of the toxic substance, Ever since the world has been split on how to handle the tiberium " Shall we harvest its power? " " Shall we destroy it at all costs?" " maybe leave it alone? " however know the humans have waited so long and so patiently that the choice is no longer upon, This is no longer the earth of which we know... a world ruled by tiberium, After the tiberium began to spread scientists across the world began to identify the different zones that it called " Home" first you had the " Red" zones ... these areas of the earth consist of 30% of the planets surface were fields and fields of massive tiberium crystals inhabit the crust spewing toxic particles into the air killing any form of native life, people have only ventured into the red zones in time of severe requirement for tiberium now the only source of energy left on the dieing earth, Then we have the "Yellow" zones these areas consist of 50% of the earths surface, They are home to multiple remnants of humanity countless tribes and gangs warring for control of these shattered territorys... power rarely comes to these areas and the people are constantly plagued by tiberiums killer particles, Then last but not least we have the " Blue" zones... these consist of 20% of the earths surface and are the only areas left on the entire planet unaffected by tiberium and are home to the Global Defense Intiative the organisation that is the combined forces of the remaining nations of old, In the chaos that has engulfed the earth two super powers have risen from the ashs, The Democratic Global Defense Intiative whom believe in restoring the ways of old and defending the innocent occupants of the blue zones and render aid to some of the yellow zones, And the might Brotherhood of NoD who occupy a good bulk of the Yellow zones of Australia, Europe and Africa the brotherhood follow the prophet kane and crusade to rid the world of there GDI " Opressors", conflicts between these two super powers are common and has lead to the three tiberium wars the last war having a strange twist... An alien race invaded the earth seeking to harvest the tiberium but was beaten back by the uneasy Gdi Nod alliance, At the final battle of the third tiberium war the GDI commander was forced to use a " Liquid" tiberium bomb on the Alien command hub... Unfortunatly this was in the " Red" Zone of Italy were tiberium first appeared upon the earth, The chain reaction was so powerful that the entire of southern europe and north africa was devestated and 25 million lay dead in its wake, Now however in the aftermath of this war 10 years after it, a group of Gdi scientists are escorted by the military into the yellow zone of G-17 .... also known as Florida, The lead scientist james mitzunari has been forced to bring his daughter along.
Overlooking the desert like ground left in the wake of the tiberium cataclysm a gdi convoy is appearing over the horizon... A transport escorted by two orca attack fighters, As a tired rachel awakens to realize she isn't at home she asks " Papa? were are we going?" A tension ensues within the transport " Back into the yellow zones angel, Now sleep daddy will keep you safe" laying onto her fathers lap rachel slowly falls asleep peacefully, " When are we arriving at the evac zone?" The Gdi trooper looks back towards James and simply says " When the transport decides to move quicker" Chuckling away the trooper attends to his Railgun rifle " Funny... " replied james.
As the awkward silence ensues within the transport suddenly a rocking ensues the transport waking rachel from her deep sleep, " Hush baby its just turbilence" as james finishs his words another big bang hits the transport " Thats no turbilence" hastily said the gdi trooper " Were under attack! Battle stations!" zooming past the Gdi convoy in the distance NoD fighters are approaching the convoy, As they fire missile after missile the transport takes a hit to its left turbines... The transport is going down " Comon Devon you can do it! Land this hunk of junk! " said the captain, " Hold on tight! Were going in!" said the pilot, Before anyone on the craft knows it they have crashed into a tiberium field... No one has yet to arise from the smouldering aircraft... burning in a field of tiberium crystals... all of the sudden the transport door is kicked in... a gdi trooper is dragging rachel from the aircraft, Placing her over his shoulder and trying his best to get out of the tiberium field he places her upon a nearby rock for safety, Rushing back to save her father he is sucessful... Draging james and having rachel over his shoulder he realise's something... He is not alone there is someone... or something stalking them, placing them both on the floor he charges his railgun.... Lock and load.
Bit tired going to continue the rest later or tomorrow
> Insert witty signature here <