Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!

 #7172  by EvilIvy
eeeeeeeeew. naru..... @_____@

 #7173  by Kane
Well... hmm what to say... nice informative piece of animation, however I stand by that you can only learn about that sort of stuff by practice :P

 #7180  by Akimoto
Kane wrote:Well... hmm what to say... nice informative piece of animation, however I stand by that you can only learn about that sort of stuff by practice :P
keh. I wouldn't know..

 #7187  by Kane
Damn, and i was taking notes as well :P

 #7224  by Nintendo

I did find this video quite enjoyable. Oh and even though the BEST way to learn about kissing is with practice. Watching and viewing how to kiss (not this video:P) can actually help with the early part of a person's kissing career.

I personally had a GREAT first kiss thanks to seeing how my parents kiss and watching many different love movies (back when they ment something :P). Dont get me wrong I didnt stalk and take notes on it ;) but the image of what a kiss Should look like made things alot easier.

 #7357  by Keritchi


That was an odd movie... ^_^ Amusing though.