Who's at what rank?
 #72484  by MasterM
I mentioned this once i got accepted, but i would like to have AJ as my master in staff.

 #72485  by AJ
I'm A-r-J and I approve this message xD

 #72486  by Necros
Good luck if accepted you two :)

 #72487  by MasterM
A-r-J? rwj spoof?

 #72495  by Fazz
gl if accepted u2 :D

 #72500  by fall
Good Luck :)

 #72508  by Necros
Grats guys, get to work :)

 #72509  by Fazz
grats both, have fun :D

 #72516  by Akimoto

 #72529  by Pyra
Congrats, and best of luck to you both. ^^

 #72532  by Evan
Grats :)

 #72533  by Rugg
have fun :)