The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.
 #71224  by Falcon
Well, Golly has been officially voted in as a member of KR :)

Golly please check your PM box when you get a chance :)

Please everyone welcome our newest member!

 #71227  by Fazz
grats golly :D

 #71236  by echo
Congratulations, welcome to the family.

 #71240  by Arcanine
Congratulations Golly. ;)

 #71241  by Necros
Congrats Golly, welcome to the family :)

 #71246  by Golly
Ahh thanks guys, just woke up, read I had a PM. Wasn't expecting this xD.

Sorry i've been a bit inactive on the server lately, had some issues i've had to start adjusting too :P I'll hopefully be on a bit more though.

Thanks a thousand times though for this oppertunity.

<3 you guys.

 #71249  by Akimoto

 #71265  by Evan

 #71272  by Xero
ConGraTs GollY~!

 #71277  by BadWolf
grats golly :D

 #71278  by Golly
Thaaaaank you guys! Again :o

 #71446  by Pyra
Must... resist... Golly pun. >.o Not... resisting well...

Just kidding. ^^ Welcome to the clan, hope to meet you soon.

 #71454  by Arcanine
*Applauses* =))

 #71484  by AJ