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 #7071  by Kakashi.Archive
I would like to say to everyone


be safe for all those that are going trick-or-treating tonight...:D

 #7072  by Chantelle
Happy Halloween although being 24 I havent been trick or treating for a good 14 years! its just not something I see done around here , I think young kids do it though.

 #7073  by Nintendo
Happy Halloween!

Another year for me to give out free candy I payed for to a whole bunch of kids in my community so they can say I am a cool guy with the nice car for that night then have them completely forget and ignore me the rest of the year.

 #7074  by Melissa
To be honest I think most ppl just dont answer the door. I know I dont

 #7076  by BloodRose
i dont either... but happy halloween everyone

 #7083  by Tricky
I hate kids.

 #7091  by Wolferion
Happy Halloween to all! In Czech Republic it means nothing, but i know what it is from British Council =)

 #7099  by Panther
Happy Halloween ive been trying to get this mask off ive had on since i was born its hidious!

 #7102  by Starcomand
Tricky wrote:I hate kids.

i like kids just couldnt eat a whole one in one sitting MHAHAHAHAHAHA


 #7107  by Phoenix
Rav what are you doing up? Its like 4am your time xD

 #7108  by RoNin
me and raven were on GW :p

 #7110  by EvilIvy
RoNin wrote:me and raven were on GW :p
does Nin know you two play "GW" together at 4am? teeeheee ;P

 #7111  by Beast
Happy Halloween All! ~

Tonight is my night, if you hear any howling its just me.

But keep ur doors and windows shut just incase...................... i wont consider not eating u alive

 #7116  by EvilIvy
OMG BEAST! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! *spams /amhug like crazy*

hey isnt tonight the night when SD is proposing?

 #7117  by Chantelle
well i did buy some sweets / candy whatever you call it. we only had a small group of 3 kids come trick or treating

SO i guess that means teh rest is for me :D

I may be too old for trick or treating but certainly not to claim the prize!! :D

 #7119  by RoNin
You can never be too old for trick or treating! next year come over here chantelle we'll go trick or treating togeather lol

 #7120  by Kakashi.Archive
pan that is horrable to say...but funny

 #7125  by Grimm
can anyone beat 15 pounds of candy? thats not bad for a 15 year old :P

 #7128  by Chantelle
Nah im 24 lol im way too old for that kind of stuff.. Besides id rather stay in the warm and just get my own :)

 #7135  by Master Dennis
we don't have haloween in holland :S :(

 #7153  by Grimm
doesnt mean u cant go around askin for candy dennis :P