Who's at what rank?
 #7042  by Wolferion
Hello everyone =)

This day, when i started being a KR member, in my mind i got one question. I dont remember all things, as it was sooo long time ago when i was Jedi Knight and knew everything... So i am sure i need a master.
I dont know who would be my master, as i am single saberist and my time is +1 GMT. So as i know, i am looking for master now ^_^

Thank you for reading,

 #7045  by Lessa
We spoke about that on msn.. and since we are from the same country it would be probably best if I was your master- cause of language, timezones..etc.
So please all wish us good luck =)

 #7048  by Starcomand
good luck u 2 dont know whos going to need it most lol jk

 #7051  by Wolferion
I feel sorry about a kill i did today before i left server ( Lamed Sparky with DFA ). I hope you didnt take it so much.
I'd like to know what rank i am going to be and what i shall do.

Again sorry for lame today on server.

Thank you for reading,

 #7053  by Sparky
No drama... I am not bent out of shape... besides here is a beer for ya mate for the cheeky side!!;)

 #7061  by EvilIvy
Sirion wrote:I feel sorry about a kill i did today before i left server ( Lamed Sparky with DFA ). I hope you didnt take it so much.
I'd like to know what rank i am going to be and what i shall do.

Again sorry for lame today on server.

Thank you for reading,
lol nice start ^______~

 #7082  by Tricky
You don't have to feel sorry, it's Sparky. :P (j/k)

Good luck with Lessa, Sirion, she kicks ass.

 #7095  by Akimoto
Sirion wrote:I feel sorry about a kill i did today before i left server ( Lamed Sparky with DFA ). I hope you didnt take it so much.
I'd like to know what rank i am going to be and what i shall do.

Again sorry for lame today on server.

Thank you for reading,
just never, ever, whatsoever do it infront of me! hehe.. =P

 #7097  by Wolferion
Templar was my 1st master from KR... Now it is Lessa and i wanted it =)

Yeah, will need to refresh all things and get ready on Jedi's trial and on admin's trial ^_^