Want to become a writer? Want to read a story? Here you can do both! You can write your own story or you can read other members stories!
 #6920  by Kakashi.Archive
i want to have a small contest for the best Halloween scary/gory story.....

It cant be very long.... It may NOT be copyed from some other web site or a book (that would be unfair)!

Plz have them in Before Halloween...Thanks and GL!

 #6927  by Hime
such short notice

 #6941  by Kakashi.Archive
havent had a lot of time..LOL...what time i have had i have been on JA...srry for short notice...but im sure that we can come up with something!:D

 #6977  by Sparky
How about this:

I Went to work!!!!


 #6988  by Melissa

when is Halloween anyway its tomorrow right? sorry Im not sure its not really something done over here once your older than 12 or so or at least where I live anyway.

Anyway as it is I do happen to have a real life story which happened last halloween not sure if it was on the night but it was around halloween / bon fire night.

I was around a mates house and had to walk home, mum and dad were out and Chantelle was a good 30 miles away in another town..

The quickest route back was through the park.. now the park is massive, SO i started to walk through on the pathway which is lighted up and half way down and baaring in mind its a very wide open space except a few very large bushes (no road or anything) THis guy appears he is walking on the grass but walking as if towards the path so he is a bit away..

He is dressed in shorts and a T-Shirt bit odd since it was freezing.. and he was like marchging or striding rather than walking I thought it was a bit unusual he was probably mid 30s shaved head quite stocky..

anyway the direction he was striding he would almost have corssed my path.. I carried on walking with a degreee of trepidation and as I walked past a large bush on my right just as he got sort of close.. he froze and then started to walk back wards

then he walked backwards faster and like nothing he turned and legged it, not liek a sprinter would but like he was terrified he just ran and ran and dissapeaed into the black of the night toatlly out of sight..

a few seconds later

he repearred walking towards the path slowly again..

suffice to say I got out of there fast.!!

I know its not ghostly storey but its a real life creepy one :)

 #7021  by Chantelle
yeah such a great response Mel lol!!

 #7075  by Melissa
yea yeah well it was creepy :p

 #7078  by BloodRose
I got one for you all... ready? Trace in the nude hehe jk guy have fun this halloween

 #7080  by BloodRose
ok im sirious this time i can tell you a real life creepy one but first let me tell you itd be a little more scary these stories if we were talking to each other. anyway back when my mom was a teenager (and you know how teens in the us are :) )She and her i guess boyfriend were out in the woods hanging out in the truck. Suddenly she hears a shreak... not human but not animal....something inbetween... She and her boy friend looked around and saw nothing well they went back to just talking and they heard the shreak again but this time it was closer.This time when they looked around there were a pair of Evil Red Eyes looking at them. They high tailed it out of there and never went back

 #7100  by Starcomand
BloodRose wrote:ok im sirious this time i can tell you a real life creepy one but first let me tell you itd be a little more scary these stories if we were talking to each other. anyway back when my mom was a teenager (and you know how teens in the us are :) )She and her i guess boyfriend were out in the woods hanging out in the truck. Suddenly she hears a shreak... not human but not animal....something inbetween... She and her boy friend looked around and saw nothing well they went back to just talking and they heard the shreak again but this time it was closer.This time when they looked around there were a pair of Evil Red Eyes looking at them. They high tailed it out of there and never went back

and the red eyes wher himes in her story lol only jokeing hime sorry lol