Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #65813  by Fazz
Gospel.exe has passed his Knight trial. And he done a very good job at it :)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Gospel.exe

Trialer : Fazz
Assistant : Falcon

1 vs 1:

1. Lost --(Fazz)
2. Won --(Falcon)
3. Lost
4. Lost
5. Lost
6. Won
7. Lost
8. Won
9. Lost
10. Won

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. lost
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost --(Masters level)

Final result: Won 4 / 10 (1 vs 1) && Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Well done Gos, you dont well, and this has been well earned :)

Also, well done to storm, who is now a Guardian :)

(could some1 update his permisions please?)

 #65814  by Rugg
grats gos!

 #65815  by Falcon
Good job Gos :) that last duel was tense >.<

You've earned your rank, now go find yourself a Padawan :)

 #65817  by Necros
Hmph, congrats...even though you didn't take me up on letting me give you the trial. No no, it's fine. I'll just be be upset in silence...SILENCE!!!

Lol, jk mate. Congrats :)

 #65818  by Akimoto

 #65820  by ForteGigasGos
Mister Bigglesworth the congratulatory Mutant Rancor won't die >.>

And man, No screenies v.v How will I ever remember backflipping Fal into Fazz's lunge.

Thank you all, now for victory song:

Thank you all, those I killed for training, those who killed me for training, and even those I never fought for supporting me, the training helped, but no more then the support and friendship.

 #65827  by Greed
About bloody time innit?

Good Job :D

 #65830  by Pyra
Woohoo! <(^_^)>

Way to go, Gos!

 #65831  by fall
conrats gos ! :)

 #65833  by Tidus
grats G.e and who is storm?

 #65835  by Seraphim
LOL... there is a reason whys hes gonna be a guardian for Gos' successful promotion.

anyways, nice goin there Gospel, i think ill be tryin to join u as soon as possible.... or maybe ill decide to stay under Ruggs wing for a while longer just for kicks & giggles LOL

 #65837  by Zabuza
Gratz! :)

 #65840  by Ahsoka

 #65844  by Evan
Grats gos :) i still remember my knights trial flipkicking jawfin into nec's kata ahh sweet memories :)

 #65855  by AJ
Good job, gospel!

 #65859  by Lothar
So the next generation of kr knights begins ! dante Snips and me ( Hopefully) are gonna join u soon = P